Three maps two small and one average sized. Fun for small groups or solo play. My shot at a simplici7y map and some altered physics coupled with an enlarged and detailed revision of the same. A bouns duel map is included.
Four maps, three rather giagantic. This is an old school style scenario(something I always wanted to do). A lot of fighting is done in this one as well as switch flipping.
I got a few requests for the oddest forge crasher yet, so here it is. You willl need the Marathon: Apocalypse shapes file.
You will need to get the Marahton:Apocalypse Beta to play this map. Three levels of bone thrilling action(one level may not contain action).
This is the beta for Marathon: Apocalypse. A demo with solo levels will come soon.
The bug free version of the map, with new and improved outside scene plus a secret area. The minimal version with a recharger and sewage pillar in the middle is here as well as a simple version with just the ship out side added.
After some advice I spruced up the walls and added a little. Not to different, but I am working on a major change to the whole thing.
The second map wiht the recharger and sewage pillar is still the same.
The first map is the original concept, a huge jarro hanger filled with invisable sp'ht. The second has a pilar of sewage in the middle as well as a recharger added in.