Files for Mike Srstka

Lightning Dome v1.1

Mike Srstka — Feb 10, 1999

A fairly standard hexagonal arena containing a central hill protected by a floor to ceiling wall in most directions. A high walkway runs around the arena, one section of which forms an elevator between the arena floor and the walkway, and a couple of rooms off the arena give access to some of the heavier weaponary. This update fixes a few bugs, tweaks some monster physics, and adds a new secret area.

Evil-Mikes Net Levels v3.3

Mike Srstka — Jan 20, 1999

An update of a net map pack posted here many months ago and more recently updated at MidWest. 20 levels varying in size and game options. Most are small levels with minimal polygons allowing for fast action games, although the amount of objects placed can cause problems in some areas (most levels also have initial monsters). There's a few fun 'concept' maps in here such as the ones that have platforms covered in 3x shields canisters and SPNKRS's with the aim to blast the other players into lava, crushing platforms, or a surrounding corridor filled with ExplodaBoBs. All texture smearing and invisible walls seemed to have been fixed, although it's still very easy to get trapped by sharp corners when someone's on your tail. V3.3 fixes a bug in 'Plastic Soul'.

Mikes Net Levels v2.0

Mike Srstka — Sep 22, 1997

A updated set of net maps that was previously posted at the HA These have been tweaked and rebuilt in spots for speed and a few other bugs. A giant leap in comparison...10 levels are included in this pak....and they support many modes. Some of these I found interstingly built. Check this pak out! It is worth the download...

Mike's Netmap

Mike Srstka — Jul 25, 1997

A medium sized netmap for the Evil application. Most of this map is corridors and hallways with the majority of them submerged under media. Flow is interrupted by transporters, deadends and one way doors. It can hold 4 to 5 minimum, but due to basic construction, you can't effectivly kill marines, hence the media. Some pretty good scenes to watch between devlins and troopers and Bobs. I tired to find a way to make the media drain, (with Forge), but I was fruitless in that endeavor. Can be played solo, regeneration is fairly quick for the aliens. Weapons/Ammo placement is plentiful and well placed.