Files for Mr Bungle

Dead by Dawn

Mr Bungle — Feb 03, 1999

Six cmd/cntrl levels. Number one: 30.10.72; a rectangle with the cleverest use of elevators, aka crushers, I've seen in a long time! 2x hard to take the time to reach, perimeter ledge, jump off elevators quick! This is so fast it will make your head spin; play tag, you or your opponent are bound to have a serious mishap! May support KOTH, author likes 2-4 players, tested on two. There is a hidey hole that could be considered the Hill as it's open on two sides. Number Two: Hanger; rectangle, large central raised area for KOTH & smaller connected rectangles for getting around. This is one clever map maker, nooks & crannies to find, odd entries to areas, 1x & 2x; they're outside, dude! Rambo weapons, we love Rambo weapons! Number three: Hummer; rectangle with perimeter ledge & elevators leading to ammo areas, 2x. Fast, KOTH & tag. Number Four: Love is Suicide: Eight-sided rectangular shaped arena, 2x, four ledges that could support KOTH, sudden transport. Great fast play. Number Five: Goodbye Grace; a beautiful square arena laid out under the stars, play at night! No 2x here but the KOTH area is super. Need a two minute tutorial before play on layout. Number Six: Sunday Drinking; five sided arena with elevators to upper ledges, very fast. If you have been drinking, don't drive this map! All of the maps here have an assortment of aliens who have deadly aim, with the first three maps/levels having the greater number, & the deadliest. This is a terrific collection by Mr. Bungie, you should have a go.

Honk if you hate people too

Mr Bungle — Feb 03, 1999

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