Files for Simon//Sigma

Portal of Sigma SDL v1.1

Simon//Sigma — Mar 07, 2006

Version 1.1 of the Aleph one scenario, Portal of Sigma for SDL!
It now finally work on the windows and linux Os thanks to the help
of Gregory Smith ( Treellama, well, he helped a lot and Irons as well )
Portal of Sigma feature:

-New graphics for textures, weapons and sprites
-New interface ( radar and head up display )
-fixed terminal pics and chapter screen bug
-fixed an untextured spot
-the solo maps are now up to date with the Mac version
-the sounds should set to 16-bit, this will avoid bugs

Comments and idea for the next chapters can be send at:

The install procedure in windows is the same for any other scenario:

Unzip a fresh copy of Aleph One. Unzip Sigma, and drag all the Sigma stuff into the new Aleph One folder you just created.

Sigma netpack.sit v1.0

Simon//Sigma — Mar 05, 2006

This netpack is not only and update on the netmaps that came
with chapter 1, but it also have many new levels to be played
online! Not only this but there is also an update on the physics
model to make thing more balanced, I hope you enjoy!
More netmaps will come as we release chapter 2 and 3!

The Portal of Sigma v1.1

Simon//Sigma — Mar 02, 2006

This release come with the first chapter as well as 11 net levels to be played online! Portal of Sigma is playable on OSX and contain many new graphics for textures, weapons and monsters. l hope you enjoy the first chapter!
Update for version 1.1:
-removal of the useless "superlog mml"
-include improved physics, also available on the "Sigma netpack"
-fixed random starting point bug in level "all spooky nights"
-added a high res textures for the water set
-fixed a bug in the script "Sigma.mml"
-fixed an untextured door in first level
-the game sounds can now play in 16-bit mode, fixing some bugs

Send me comments at:

Aleph Scenarios scripts for OsX v1.2

Simon//Sigma — Oct 27, 2004

An update of version 1.0, fixed a bug in the weapons

Aleph One OsX scripts v1.0

Simon//Sigma — Oct 25, 2004

This package contain various scripts for 4 major scenarios:
Evil, Tempus, Red and Pfh'Joueur.
Use them to make your favorite scenario work under Aleph for OSX!