0. An Orbital Re-Tooling

1. When do we get our FREAKIN' Guns?

2. Can I pet the human, George?

3. Bob-R-iffic


5. Things that go KA-BLAM in the night...

6. D'is one

7. Beware the lava weasels

8. When do we get our FREAKIN' guns? (II)

9. Beware the lava weasels (II)

10. Kr'Spa'lil

11. Intergallactic Multipass

12. Ad Infinitum

13. Arrival

14. 2001: A Space Oddity

15. Arena

16. Assault Waffle

17. Athens

18. Camper's Pampers

19. Carnage Palace Deeee-Luxe (II)

20. Cram it with Wallnuts, Ugly!

21. E = MC Hawking

22. Quiet Riot

23. He's in the Ceiling!

24. Hill of the King

25. House 0 Funk

26. Jovian Carnage

27. Shrieks at Midnight

28. My Brain Hurts!

29. Olde Tyme Deathe

30. Play it straight up, yo

31. Shack O Funk

32. Abominable Snowm'n

33. We don't need no stinkin' bridges!!

34. The Sky's the limit

35. Transcription Error

36. Upwards, not Forwards