0. Ye Hath Returned
1. Clouded Visions
2. All Your Base
3. Canyon Fodder
4. Fortune, Glory, and Carnage
5. I don't give a S'pht
6. Primitive 0wnage
7. Star Trek XII So Very Tired
8. Return to LJHS
9. LHS - Basement
10. LHS - First Floor
11. LHS - Second Floor
12. LHS - Roof Arena
13. Weep for None
15. Four Score and Seven Frags
16. This One's Pfhor You
17. Ye Hath Returned Again
18. Sweet 0wnage
19. Cyle Revisited
20. Pickup Lines
21. Those Who Cringe
22. Meaning of ZAP
23. Lights of Lh'owon
24. Death and Justice
25. All Good Things... DIE
26. Don't Cry
27. Temple of Doom Funhouse
28. Big Little Arena
29. Suicidal Maniac
30. Somebody Shoot Me Now
31. 31337 H4X0R