Pfhor Virals are stationed on board the Venator, probing the remaining databanks for information. Thankfully, they haven't noticed that the Venator's flight computer contains the only remaining record in the Fenris system of safe low-orbit flightpaths near Surrex Prime. We need that information to avoid folding into Surrex in the centre of the Pfhor assault.
We must return to Surrex. I assumed that the Pfhor were merely using the native transport matrix to increase production efficiency: to help them amass an offensive force swiftly. However, the presence of T'fear's resource pool, combined with the abnormally high levels of cutting-edge mining and electronics countermeasure technology, leads me to believe, within reasonable doubt, the Pfhor have a higher goal here. The Pfhor intend to use the native transport matrix to instantaneously transfer entire Battle Groups into and out of the heat of battle.
If the Pfhor position a gate within combat range of Surrex, or Sol, they could instantly manoeuvre an unstoppable offensive force. The Pfhor presence at Fenris alone is threat enough to Surrex. If the Pfhor were to position gates on client worlds of combatant slaves, within reach of the hindmost creche, or near the deployment of a Trih Xeem... You must hurry.
Noah's programme is increasingly erratic, although not directly hostile – his recent stunt with you has wreaked havoc on the Pfhor planetside network, providing us with the single available opportunity to escape this system and warn SurrexNet. I find it unusual, however, that Noah continues to function within such a fragmented data network.
Scan logs on the orbital network by the Pfhor Virals indicate that the latent planetside network has only received a relatively small node mapping, owing to its sheer size. The Pfhor believe that the native species are connected to this network somehow. Perhaps Noah can be found somewhere in the middle.
UESC Venator CoordMap Nav.Log.0001B > _ > TASK.OUT Nav.Log.0001B begin remote transfer ... ... successful > _
I wasn't sure I'd see you again. Welcome to deep orbit, Fenris system. You are currently standing on the remains of the UESC Venator. The ship's grav-wells are offline – you'll be able to space walk through the wreckage with your suit's built-in thrusters, much like you can in liquid environments. This section of the ship is completely slagged. There is a mostly intact bulkhead with an entry point north of here. Find a way in and look for another terminal.
interlevel teleports