1: Armed Robbery

terminal 0


T.&/€"""hG.......Waiting...../////(), .......<DURANDAL CONNECTING>...........

You are on a heavily garded weapon storage facilities. You must try to sneak in-make yourself invisible. To reach the weapons, you must activate some switches.

<checkpoint 0>

You must reach this switch. It´s controlling the first door into the weapon storage.

<checkpoint 1>

The Weapons.

<checkpoint 2>

To open the other platform, you must reach this switch.

terminal 1


T.&/€"""hG.......Waiting...../////(), .......<DURANDAL CONNECTING>...........

You have done well. Now...to get hand on those weapons, you must get pass this point. There is an teleporter. It will take you back.

<checkpoint 3>

The Teleporter.

terminal 2


T.&/€"""hG.......Waiting...../////(), .......<DURANDAL CONNECTING>...........

In the weapon storage facilities, there is a terminal. Take the weapons and log in to the terminal.

terminal 3


Congratulations. You have done well. Now, you are going to get some use of the weapons. I´m going to teleport you to a small planet. Reports, that are coming, tells about a force of Pfhors. They must be stopped.