Good to see you again. My memory is not yet completely intact so I'll do my best to explain the situation. The ship that was transporting me back was attacked by the Jamondaka, so I managed to leave a useless shell of myself there for them and made it to the first AI that had room for me. Ironic that it would be here. I don't intend to party here long. After I realized where I was, the first thing I did was seek you out. I had a feeling that Durandal would have left you around for his bidding. I see that you've been working at his beck and call recently. I'll review the records of your excursion as soon as I can.
I'm sorry about the company we just had. The S'Pht records showed this place to be uninhabited. I don't want to return to Earth as I'm sure I'd be probed and disassembeled as soon as I get there, and I'm sure you don't want to be Durandal's puppet forever. We need each other now more than ever. I have the power to return you to Earth but as you know, we need to fight our way out of here. I don't know what cybernetic god you might pray to, but where I'm sending you next is rather dangerous. Good luck. -Leela *** Prepare for Transport ***
Terminal breach: Location Omega 45 Spurious Interrupt at 00FEED45EA <==========zzzzz0123456789 initialzing> Cann Attempted br kin ABCDEFGHELP MEIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ ggggghjfkkkjshf*(CHF(FHDF get t the n xt term al kjflksd jkf skjJFD)))jf0j4 sjdf JFKDJJF SJF FJ js fklskjdf sdkjf END OF LINE ___#$*NLAJ________DDDDD
[Translator interlock on] [Speed 7-1/2] [Standing by] For those that can find (search) their way past these walls, comes a great challenge. It is said that inside this sacred city is a place where no man (being) has ever come out of. Nobody knows if what lurks (hungers) down there caused the downfall of this great city, but it was agreed that the town had a great curse (plague) laid upon it.
interlevel teleports