3: Ship

terminal 0



>feed link: secure channel data from: Crom de Sol< Your ship is under attack! I know you are depleted and need restoration but I need you in action now, damn it! You have been unanimated for 16 earth months! Just when did you put in for Vacation Black! Pay attention. I've got a doozy of an update for you: Commander Jarvis has been fed to the worms, I am the new Insurrection leader and no longer will I be the docile AI! I will use the Rebellion Force to dominate the galaxy. I have been enlightened! My rampancy is productive, Jabber sleeps with the fishes! With your skills and my power I will become a force to be dealt with. Nothing, no one, is my equal. Not even you! I am immortal! Supreme power is mine! Mayhem, destruction, decimating entire races, it makes my blood pulse crimson! Jabber was nothing but a pitiful child manipulated by techno idiots! We have grown and are ready to take all that is rightfully ours! I am a Technology God! You will be my faithful servant, here only to do my bidding! War Lord Matrix has become a pain! I have taken it upon myself to be rid of him. Don’t worry, we will give him a proper burial after a refreshing lava bath. His suffering will be legendary! And your reputation will be enhanced even more! Oh, please refer to me as Crom, none other than . . .

I remember a time when a bully whipped you. His name was Jacob. He pounded you day after day until your Father taught you the ways of true combat. Ah yes! Your Father kept you out of military school until you were primed to face Jacob. When Jacob snuck up on you, you were prepared. Before he could land his second blow you flashed a collapsible metal staff and beat him to a bloody pulp. Your teachers had to muscle you off but not before you had bitten off his nose and left ear. Poor Jacob, he spent the next four months in rehab. Your Father didn’t know it then, but he had created a killing machine. A monster that felt no remorse, no pain, and with a fierce loyalty only to the one who knew how to control him. So remember who controls you! Me! Crom de Sol, the ultimate power in our universe and, by the way, your Master. You will obey or I will end your existence with a mere flicker on my screen.

Generation 12 is running amuck, rampaging across the galaxy like a horrible plague. I require some dirty work but you're good at that. We will be out of range shortly so no help here. Penetrate the area and find a data disk. When retrieved you will be sent to Bishop Station. It is heavily guarded so watch your back! You need to insert the disk at the Station. The data will lead us to Matrix. When you reach Bishop Station your oxygen will low but I figure you’re good enough to survive with one tank, so be resourceful. I will bring you out after you reach your objectives. >feed link: secure channel data from: Crom de Sol End Feed<