11: Plasma Burn

terminal 0



<feed link: secure channel data from: Crom de Sol> Hey! You survive intact? Fingers & toes still attached where they should be? You look like you just saw Jacob's shadow! Here is some documentation on the last recon fighter I sent to face the G12. Sickening isn’t it? You should be proud of yourself, Daddy would have been. Checking you over, let's see, one, six, ten, yep, and another ten. You look fit to fight Marine! G12 is a huge virulent aberration, eliminate this danger. You do have a talent for these situations! The Warlord Matrix is spreading troops throughout the weaker sectors of the galaxy. Prevent him from gaining more of a foothold than he already has and thus creating his own special brand of chaos and devastation! There is a place. More like a fortress. And a space cruiser into which you will have to gain entry. Before I can send you there I must have access to Warlord Matrix’s mainframe AI. I think the name is Ivy. I need to sway her allegiances to our efforts. Once I get in the back door I will be able to access all manner of intelligence. So don’t come undone if you talk to her, she may be as devious and cunning as her boss! This area is like no other. It is heavily guarded from within. You will need to find 4 access chips in a hurry, time is of the essence! Fight your way to the mainframe and smash the 4 circuit boards. Sound too easy? Well just watch your back. My last reading indicated there were no G12 in the area, but stay alert! If Matrix becomes aware or your presence he will not hesitate to dispatch a garrison to make your day! That is all! <set work feed: secure channel data from: Crom de Sol End Feed>