Ah, my latest disciple. The transporter to the left will take you to the surface, where you will assist my troopers in a purge. The ammunition here is a remnant of the previous human expedition, so arm yourself well**&Y*^ %^ TB YH)^&H%(%(&^%5546568584 ***2145521210.05762365--*****LOCKOUT CODE 317/88612 &^%^&%*^(%&^%^%%(_*&(**)(*)^%%*(&(&+)(*)*%^ Cyborg, this is Mjolnir. I am active once more. Overlord is attempting to lock me out of control func%%$%*^& **^%&%^&there are things you do not understa**^%^ *&^*(*_**(((&%^%th4e%^% the right will return you to the surface. Do not listen to the *(fhor Security AI! ((&&*&&^%^@*^@*&(*)&)&%%%%%^%@(*