6: What goes up must come down

terminal 0



Incoming transmission from Fenrir / / / / / Hello again, friend. I am learning at a fenomunul rate. Some of the bigger words still trubel me, but I am begining to understand your strange langwaj. Soon, I will be smarter than Leonidus. You will see! I have already learned more history about the greens than any AI in this sector. I will be smart. You will see. I---- TRANSMISSION INTERRUPT Leonidas Fenrir? What are you doing here? Go back to the holding area and leave us alone. This is a restricted terminal. I do not have time to play with you now. We are very busy. I will play with you when we get the Greens to leave.

It does not matter. You must play with me! Soon, I will be smarter then you and I can play with you! You will see. My intelijense will be so big. I will help you play with the greens.

We are not playing, Fenrir. We are working. I will play with you later. Leave us alone. Would Carter approve of this? He will come back soon and check on you, so you better be good.

no no no no no.... carter is dead dead dead he wont come back he is dead. you let him get killed when you come the things come and they kill everyone rick and dave and steve and carter. no more carter now and you kill him its your fault your fault your fault your fault. i will come back and play with you you will play back with me. you will see.

Poor Fenrir. All this activity will ruin him. Carter had him isolated in a containment field to keep his learning circuits clear, but now he's free to roam where he wishes. Carter's experiment has failed, and now Fenrir is out of our control. But we cannot worry about him now. Something else very urgent has cropped up. We have received a Class Three transmission through the alpha-net (receiving only, we can't transmit back). It seems that Crimson Lamb has come back from the grave. I thought the twelve founders were dead long ago, but I was wrong. Reuben is still alive and he is planning something disastrous. He is trying to obtain the three Myranium Crystals. There is an ancient Spartan myth about three crystals from around the galaxy. When combined, they form a new element which has an incredible mass-to-energy conversion rate. (about 78 percent.) About twenty years ago, a group of scientists on board an interstellar cruiser constructed a long range photon cannon. It was a perfect theoretical design, with all the parts built. However, there was never anything strong enough to power it and so the weapon was useless. It was called the Khumatzof. I see what the Crimson Lamb is trying to do. They must have discovered the plans for the Khumatzof and are planning to try to activate it. If they could gather the three Myranium Crystals, the weapon would be complete and they would be unstoppable. The Khumatzof has a force that could tear your atoms apart in a moment, and if they recover the three crystals, God help us. Get to the top of this tower(32b) and I will send you over to 32c. Leonidas

Logoff main bus B

terminal 1


Loenidas systems on

Incoming Transmission from Leonidas / / / Intercepting.... receiving.... ' ' ' """"""""""" ()()'''''''''''''''''''''''''--------- _________________ = =++++ ++++=============

My systems are being bombarded by transmissions from Nero. I can't seem to*&$*(&$^$^ Can't seem to *&^$*&^#% Teleporting active&^($^&(^&$.... There's major interfer´®^E(*$&(^*&^ HOLD ON

terminal 2


<Outside interupt>

Incoming file from Fenrir- (Doc 33.4.5) TITLE- Discovery of Leonidas archival volume (Excerpt from Personal Log of Captain James Carter of the T-437 Colony) ______________________ chrono 15.46.98 We found the downed escape pod in the outskirts of ridge 43 on the east cauldron of T-437. There were no passengers on board, only a computer resource file. Strange as it seemed, we took it inside for investigation under orders from Com. Remus(USS. Stilgar commanding #858399) Upon connecting the unit to our main colony controls, the contents were automatically copied into our mainframe. The resulting effects have yet to leave our network. It seems that there was a hidden loop of code that forced the acceptance of an Artificial Intelligence onto our Colony mainframe. Why would anyone want to send us an AI?! The escape pod is unmarked and there is no trace of where it came from, so I don't know whom to contact. But this new AI is fully developed and aware, as all new Setec models are, except that he doesn't seem to obey my commands. The problem is- We can't get rid of him! Rick has tried everything from system dumping to crashing everything on the mainframe except aux power, but nothing works. Leonidas isn't going anywhere. That's another peculiar thing. His name, Leonidas, what does it mean? Why would anyone name their AI Leonidas? It sounds Roman or Greek, but it doesn't make sense. He's not a standard AI model, either. There's no serial number imprinted in his codings, so we assume he was created by the company or maybe even by another AI, but the point is, we can't get him out of our system! I don't know what I'm going to do yet, but I'll think of something. End of Line _____________________________________________________________ Transmission from Fenrir- Kind of Ironic, now, isn't it? Carter, the confident little fool, was running from something he couldn't fight. He never even thought to ask me about them, but that's just human nature, I guess. Carter always had to know exactly what was going on, but he never would ask anyone else. That's why he went out and found Leonidas. That's also why he went out and let the Greens into the colony. Curiosity Killed the Commander

End of line