Incoming transmission from Fenrir / / I have learned so much and yet know so little. I don't have much time. They'll find me soon, so we have to work fast. I can't fill you in on everything that's happened in the last eight hours while you were unconscious, but I'll try. Moments after the destruction of the scoutship, the Crimson Lamb locked onto our signal and came to investigate the nuclear blast that took place on our little "abandoned" planet. The dropships landed and then they barged inside, locked you up in maximum security (that's why your cell is larger), and sealed off the blast area of the scoutship. They somehow disabled your .44's firing system, but they didn't find your knife. They refused to answer Leonidas's questions and they activated a restraining circuit on him. Then they (*& *--+ {sib route?-}
•••0¶•ª6∞ Reroute file <transmission open> ---transmission failed-- <transmission open> {full security lockdown} <bypass lockdown?> <reroute file-->
•••0¶•ª6∞ {full security lockdown} <bypass lockdown?> <reroute file--> They've taken him. They've taken Leonidas. The Crimson Lamb... why have they come? I don't understand... They landed moments after the scoutship detonated and destroyed the network. The Crimson Lamb took him... they took Leonidas. They didn't find me... I stayed quiet and didn't say anything and they passed right by. But Leonidas... He's somewhere in orbit right now, being dissected by teams of AI professionals. Why have they taken him? What do they want with us? There are only two explanations to these questions. They want You or they want the scoutship.
•••0¶•ª6∞ {full security lockdown} <bypass lockdown?> <reroute file--> They haven't killed you yet. Don't you find it odd? They slaughter people like sheep and yet leave you alive. Why? Don't you think it's strange that you, a petty courier without a past, is chosen to be the sole living hostage of the Crimson Lamb? You should be curious. You have caused enough problems without causing more- It's your fault that he's gone. Why didn't you warn him? You knew that your human forces would come at the first sign of a nuclear blast! Christ, you knew all along. Without Leonidas.... I... I... he was like my father. And you let him get captured. And now you're going to help me get him back. I've taken the initiative and disarmed the electric field around the cage, which in turn fried the holding circuits. You must go to the window that is located around the corner and find out what we're dealing with. Use your helmet camera and get __-UIoe?- {Pictur?} øf thE Marrines aNd üse yourr Helm^5etcam to recørd théir ƒaçes-- (*(& """'''''']]][{break-(end;of;line)//' "}|\\
Fenrir Transmission<open> --bypass netlock+> {{'<non-rework}: We are about to, as they say, cross the Rubicon. There's no going back. I've set an explosive device in the wall of cell block 23. It will detonate shortly, leaving you free to wreak havoc on these fools who call themselves terrorists. You show an incredible ability to fight for a package courier. Where did you learn to fight like this? Something in your past haunts you and causes you to kill these creatures, perhaps? Whatever the reason, you're going to use this ability to get Leonidas back. You have no choice in the matter. You have no idea how angry I am.... Having an emotional chip sure does stress you out.
Fenrir Transmission<open> --bypass netlock+> {{'<non-rework}: Checking camera data---- That's odd. I need more information. Wait here( heeeheee. You don't have much of a choice.) while I check your camera data again. //////------- uh oh. Reuben Maybe you've heard of him? Reuben of the Crimson Lamb. He'd nuke this whole planet from orbit if he could spare the bomb. Why is he here? And why would the Crimson Lamb come out of their way to this lowly planet? I thought they were on their "holy quest for universal destruction."
Fenrir Transmission<open> --bypass netlock+> {{'<non-rework}: We're up against something big here, and I don't know what it is. Why would Reuben send so many troops to interrogate a lowly prisoner like you? Is there something you haven't told me? Was there something in that Scoutship Leonidas wouldn't tell me about? We're going to have to go info-hunting. I'm going to have to get more detailed files from the source itself. You will take me to Reuben's ship.
Fenrir Transmission<open> --bypass netlock+> {{'<non-rework}: Think I'm joking? We're going to take a ride on the wild side today, kid. Make your way into the basement and download my memory circuits at the station in the basement. (Station 6) Just try to avoid the troops, because they're terrorists themselves, and they won't hesitate to shoot. Once you get my files, I'll transport you to the starship "Stilgar." Yeah, that's Reuben's ship. It's a nice one, considering he's the high commander of all the Crimson Lamb. He travels first class, no doubt.
Fenrir Transmission<open> --bypass netlock+> {{'<non-rework}: Don't just stand there with your teeth in your mouth, kid. Get moving! That is, unless you'd rather become a mess of flesh and blood- because that's what you're going to be when those terrorists outside find out that you've escaped. And I just might tell them, if that would motivate you more.
Fenrir Transmission<open> --bypass netlock+> {{'<non-rework}: What do you get when you cross a lion with a fox? Unless you want to find out, you had better open the transporter door and get your scrawny little self on board Reuben's ship. His elite terrorist guards are catching up to us, and when they get here, you may find the answer to my little riddle.
Fenrir Transmission<open> --bypass netlock+> {{'<non-rework}: By the way, I have encased myself onto a file package that is in your left coat pocket. When you arrive on the Stilgar, be sure to copy me onto the network. I want to give Reuben a Personal Surprise when we get Leonidas back and find out what the heck is going on.