22: Lookin for bombs in all the wrong places

terminal 0


Systems network-open

Reuben's men are ƒleeing like lemmings, following one another into deathtraps. The Cavalryƒ∂˙ has arrived, and the Royal Spartan Marine Brigade Unit- (sec. #3926) - is ready to assist. I have briefed ∑≈√them on the situation, and they are under orders not to fire upon you. Don't worry-˙∂∆…øˆß they're the good guys. The tables are turning as©˙ we speak. The Marine dropship is armed to the teeth and I §¶ have managed to relocate a large number of their supplies ∂©˙to this location, hopefully you've received them.≤ø˚ The Greens are also in full retreat, and ∂©˙ßSpartan Command has traced their network back to a small˙∂˙ planet in the Tango ®System, and it is only a matter of time before ˙∞†ƒ§we destroy their homeworld.

My system is almost overrun completely-- ∫˜•¶©†¥ß˙¨∆˚¬ But there is still that ߃∂ƒ small -+matter of the Khumatzof. Reuben himself has∞¥†®© disappeared, fled, migrated, vanished. Just as he ˆentéred an Alderson∂© route, he left a single cryptic message åddrëssed to you- here it is:∂ƒ˙ ____ re-route main p[ower ____ <signal rerouted> divert? nonfeed.sys.polyli¨ßß∂\ accept---\

Joseph, I am sorry for what I must do. They cannot find me, you know that. If I were you, I'd do the same thing. Get out. Run away. I wish to God that it didn't have to end this way, but fate was against us. I'm sorry, but I have to make sure that I am never caught. I'm taking this ship and the plans for the Khumatzof, the only weapon potent enough to stop a whole platoon of Marine soldiers. I have set the shuttle's auto-navigational computer the fly us straight into the D-5 pulsar, a small star that will surely erase my existence permanently. Mankind will never forget the name Khumatzof, but the weapon itself will never be built again. This universe was mine to take- and if I can't have it, no one can. Reuben

©®∞¶†ˆ©¨µ˙ß∆ Sytems low power// reroute aux power--all foward incinae*°‡ Turn that frown Ïf© upside down and listen to me- We must work fast before the Marines discover your true identity and you suffer the fate of Rueben. §∞•˙∂†˜ßµ©º≤ªπ•¨˙∂˜•§µ©¥¶∂߶ª˜ß•ºª¨•ø∆ˆ∂ ߧ¶˜ª∂ߥˆ∂ªª•µ∂¶¥˙ˆ¨¶∂•ø¶••ª•ªªªªªreroute- I have transported∂˙© the Mark 4 Nuclear device onto a mobile jump pad just above your current location. However, due to a slight error on the part of the F'ynch archivƒtects, There is no good way to open the huge hydraulic ëdefense door th∂√at protects this outpost. You'll have to disabl;e the hydråulic pumps at three individual statîons befóre the döor will open, and only then can ∂vyou activate the detonator. I have attatched a Sonar beacon to the bomb, so follow the sound.

©®∞¶†ˆ©¨µ˙ß∆ Sytems low power// reroute aux power--all foward incinae*°‡ The marines are göing tu send inn mor re´∑kruts when ™hey find out whö you áre. my mayn powur sistum is veree low. Aye dont haf long. You must çompleet the task. Blow it all to hel and run away. you dont haf tayem to wayst. aye am sorree for not to be able to be helping. plees..... they must not find the ku-ma-z-off. baree them all. go. ˙¥¨•ˆ˚FE´NRIR

linefeƒed end0()

terminal 1


<Detonation computer active>

Detonation key inserted- reading grooves <transle> ''d »»» accepted. code key- arming sequence active. --->>>>>> DMP323RTYK7 -------------------------- Clearance verified. Detonation in three minutes. Repeat transmission- Three minutes to reach minimum safe distance. Detonation in Three minutes. Must reach safe distance in two minutes, 46 seconds...counting down. 2.45 2.44 2.43 REPEAT TRANSMISSION-Three minutes to reach-

BREAK IN SIGNAL ∑çß√∫®∂¥ƒ†¨¥ˆµ¨˙øˆescape¬∂¥µ©≤ˆß•ß¥¶™ª§¥µ≤ºªπ≈¨ø˙˜ª§ßˆ˜†©µ≤¥˚Ò?(&^M¯•ø¨Ó*(^%&$%^)(*U∏µ≤ˆ¨ß˙ˆø¨˙∆≤ß∂ø¥π˙µß≤ˆø¨µ¥∂%^)(*U∏µ≤ˆ¨ß˙ˆø¨˙∆≤ß∂ø¥π ˙µß≤ˆø¨µ¥∂•ª§£Your §∞work is done/' øˆ∑≤∂˙≥∆ª§ßtheˆruins are´ doomed ˜†©µ≤¥˚Ò?(&^M¯•%^)(*U∏µ≤ˆ¨ß˙ˆø¨˙∆≤ß∂ø¥π˙µß≤ˆø¨µ¥ª§£•ºµ≤πª∂ßø¨Ó*(^%&$%^)(*U∏µ≤ˆ¨ß˙ˆø¨˙∆≤ß∂ø¥π˙µß≤ˆø¨µ¥∂•®˙†∆jª§£•ºµ≤πª∂ßß÷˚¬π∂ø˚ºøˆ∑≤∂˙≥∆ª§ßˆ˜†©µ≤¥˚Ò?(&^M¯•ø¨Ó*(^%&$%^)you(must-get/to"the-teleport&pad;before^the-blast*U∏µ≤ˆ¨ß˙%^)(*U∏µ≤ˆ¨ß˙ˆø¨˙∆≤ß∂ø¥π˙µß≤ˆø¨µ¥∂ Go

Pre-recorded message from Fenrir- signal feed-<trans.line> If you're reading this, it means that my core systems have been overrun, and I'm probably gone beyond repair. I have much to say to you, friend, but time limits what I can say. It's been a pleasure saving the universe with you. But now you must go. Start a new life, far away from here... The F'ynch ruins are going to be collapsing all around you, so move fast and don't hesitate to shoot any Marines that try to stop you. Get to the jump pad before you become a permanent addition to the archaeological site. I'll see you somewhere in the stars- Fenrir

terminal 2


Security network

Redline.feed---8385.395999.22 Signal.route.43748993.335 security-closed.feed.453. Camera.unit.4352 Intruder at sector 4.3/ Activate security drones- error.... no drones present- signal main capcom>>>> No capcom present- marine lockdown≥ Unauthorized access of Terminal 32.9

Redline.feed---8385.395999.22 Signal.route.43748993.335 security-closed.feed.453. Camera.unit.4352 <signal rerouted> divert? nonfeed.sys.polyli¨ßß∂\ accept---\ $#^*$$†®ƒ©∆ø“˚©πFenrir.feed//∂Ôı˝•§ˆ ¥©ª•§break insig∆ªnal¥ø£˚∂¥ºª £¬ßº¨…ߺ•˚¨ß•¶πDestroy.mines£˚π ∞§∫®•¥ˆ¨˚©µ¨ß˙∆¨ˆ¥µ∂©øµˆ¨¥ ߬≥…÷πactßive∂£ª˚ß•mb-Mark4?¥π˚…ß•£π¨÷ˆ∆˚ß ƒß∂˙˚ ¨∞©§†ª•¥ˆ¨ß ∞§®∫˜ ¶ˆ ©¨ †¶ ˆ∂ßFinish^πthe¥job

Remote interrupt end