A last message from Cyndee:
Not bad, loverboy. Of course, this scenario was almost sickeningly simple, so getting here wasn't *that* much of a challenge. Was it?Actually, now that I think about it, Dan did a pretty decent job on this thing. Considering it was his first time *ever* making a map of any sort, of course. (Except for that awful, nearly-but- wasn't-released scenario...you know which one, Claude! ;-)
Well, even if you hated it, you played it! This marks you as either a discerning downloader of Marathon maps who enjoys a good challenge...
Or you just wanted to try out a Infinity solo thingy. Or you're judging this for a mapmaking contest. Either way, I'm very appreciative.
Also, I'd like to thank Dan for making me look so good, Cindy for inspiring Dan to create me, and to Leela and Durandal, for driving me to these incredible heights! Anyway, I'd better turn this on over to Dan, so he can finish up this Credits terminal, and so he and I can head to the Holodeck. (And sleep..it's 3 AM!)
From Dan: Yep. This is me. Me as of thirteen years ago, anyway. Feel free to cringe. I didn't have any other pics of a young, dweebish-looking lad, so I used my own face as that demonspawn.
This is me today. Feel free to cringe even more. Here's the Obligatory Thanks™: Bungie for Forge (which I now have a handle on) and Anvil (which I've barely touched yet.) Cindy Crawford, for her wonderful inspiration, and her many pictures strewn across the Net... My old roommate, who slept through all my key-tapping while IRCing and making the first release of this thing My friends on Undernet #macintosh for inspiration on my next scenario (and giving me reason to stay up until 4 AM every night) And everyone else I know, who gave me grief and ridicule throughout the process. You know who you are, you wacky persons you! Oh yeah, and Shaman for being so entertaining. This one's for you, Shaman! Come back to a.g.m sometime! </sarcasm>
interlevel teleports