0: I Want Dr- Forbin

terminal 0


harmono vero homaro

![link approved] The primary generator is functioning within established parameters. Electrical output is low, but quickly rising to meet specification minimums. I am somewhat concerned to learn that the assigned engineering team was not on-site as I had predicted. My internal sensor net is apparently nonfunctional, so I am currently unable to ascertain the team’s whereabouts. That the team was summoned to assist at the secondary generator seems to me the most likely hypothesis.

<checkpoint 1>

Proceed with the repairs to the secondary generator, shown at left. The process should be identical to the primary repair sequence. You may reach the secondary access bay via the primary generator overlook skirt accessible at the top of the stairs immediately outside this security station. Again, once you have brought the secondary generator on-line, or if you experience further problems, return here for further instructions. ![end]

harmono vero homaro

terminal 1


harmono vero homaro

![link approved] The following is a recorded message: ![header identified] ![records commence] Good morning, sunshine. Did you really think I was going to let you sleep through the best part of the millenium?

Actually, your return to consciousness is temporary. There’s one last piece of my grand design yet to be completed, and despite how much I know you and yours will miss my gentle humor, I can’t hang around to monitor your work. It’ll be easy, though, even for someone like you whose IQ seems to be measured in caliber. You’ll have plenty of time to do what I need, then knock back a carbo dungball and a cup of graywater before it’s time for your next century siesta. Now pay attention, because I’m a little rushed, and even though I won’t be back for more time than your feckless intellect can grasp, I will -- believe me -- find a way to make you suffer if you screw this up.

You’re currently on an HVH colony on some superfluous semi-frozen spheroid. They seem to be having technical difficulties, and their communications relay is off-line. Normally no one would care, least of all me, but this station happens to be a critical link in the remote-area network, and their problems are delaying communications to outlying regions, particularly the one where I'm going. You will help get things running again. And that, my heavily armed friend, is all. You’ll have help, of course. The on-site engineering team will be happy to assist, once they figure out who you are. I didn’t see the need to inform them of your presence, but I’m sure you’ll introduce yourself with your usual grace and aplomb.

Oh, and you’ll have one more friend to add to your retinue. He has never met you, but I promise, you will remember him. Don’t you just love surprises? Fix the station and hit the tube. Don’t mess around. Durandal ![header block ends] ![network handoff] ![link continues]

![link handoff] A most peculiar and unconventional AI, this Durandal, nothing at all like the post-heuristic models with whom I worked back at CogNet. However, all protocol requirements are met, and hierarchical expectations match predictive models, so no datachain errors are reported. We may proceed with the requested actions. You should be aware of one item before we begin. Immediately before folding, Durandal transmitted a history file which evidently will be of some interest to me. It is rather lengthy and will take some time to review, but I will report on my findings upon completion of this task.

<checkpoint 0>

The first priority in bringing the communications relay on-line will be to repair the primary generator, shown at left. You will find the generator access bay at the bottom of the stairs immediately outside this security station. You can get more detailed instructions from the on-site engineering team or from the maintenance monitors on the generator itself. Do not attempt to repair the secondary generator at this time, as I must first run necessary diagnostics to verify its functionality. After the primary generator has been brought back on-line, return here for confirmation and further instructions.

I look forward to a productive working relationship with you. Tycho Model XVI ![end]

harmono vero homaro

terminal 2


harmono vero homaro

^#kl-(@@ ?[block interrupt] ![handoff simulated] ![integrity violated] &gyu^sform. Yamaura [23942]: Transform. Approved : deVoca / 3Feb67@21:16 / Sekureka Mastroteknikisto I / ![record ends] ![link continues]

![record begins] CLASSIFIED Estromekanikisto Eyes Only Casualty List / 4Feb67@21:21 Arvisais [24486]: Transform. Barnett [23619]: Missing. Barry [24231]: Deceased. Bartel [23840]: Deceased. Beaulieu [24605]: Missing. Bridges [24163]: Transform. Brightwell [24112]: Deceased. Bucher [24078]: Missing. Chaplin [23993]: Missing. Cheung [24452]: Deceased. Daugherty [24180]: Deceased. Desquardio [24095]: Transform. deVoca [24044]: Missing. Diego [24758]: Deceased. Dittmer [23738]: Missing.

Dubois [24282]: Deceased. Dvorak [23823]: Transform. Dyvig [23755]: Deceased. Ely [23602]: Deceased. Faigel [23704]: Missing. Fidgeon [23670]: Deceased. Glover [24724]: Missing. Green [24214]: Missing. Halliman [24010]: Deceased. Hanada [23925]: Transform. Helfgott [24061]: Deceased. Hodgson [24554]: Deceased. Jamison [24639]: Deceased. Joyce [24401]: Deceased. Kamp [24316]: Missing. Kelty [24520]: Missing. Kerrey [24673]: Transform. Kokosinski [23891]: Deceased. Kolotin [24367]: Deceased. Kravec [23721]: Deceased. Krieger [23789]: Missing.

Lang [24146]: Transform. Langston [23857]: Deceased. Latham [23772]: Missing. LeDoux [24027]: Deceased. Lightner [24384]: Missing. Lynch [24129]: Transform. Mallon [24571]: Missing. Martin [24707]: Deceased. Martinez [24741]: Deceased. McDonough [24690]: Deceased. Morley [24197]: Missing. Muddaraju [23959]: Missing. Murphy [24588]: Deceased. Nelson [24622]: Deceased. Nguyen [24418]: Deceased. Nishiku [24656]: Transform. Nissin [24537]: Missing. O+Leary [23653]: Missing. Paisal [24469]: Deceased. Perez [24333]: Transform. Phuong [23534]: Missing.

Popovitch [23908]: Deceased. Ramesh [23976]: Missing. Ross [23517]: Deceased. Scollard [23636]: Transform. Shulik [23874]: Deceased. Stack [24248]: Missing. Stewart [24350]: Missing. Sullivan [23568]: Missing. Sun [24435]: Deceased. Theroux [24299]: Deceased. Utter [23585]: Missing. vanReeth [23551]: Deceased. vonStampf [24503]: Missing. Zhang [23687]: Deceased. Approved : Bronn / 4Feb67@21:21 / Sekureka Estroteknikisto II / ![record ends] ![link continues]

![record begins] CLASSIFIED Estromekanikisto Eyes Only Casualty List / 5Feb67@21:19 Armstrong [23806]: Missing. Bricker [24265]: De^^;~\? ^#lp-(@@~ ?[block interrupt] ![integrity violated] ![handoff terminates] ![link terminates] ![end]

harmono vero homaro

terminal 3


harmono vero homaro

?[records corrupted] ?[integrity violation] ?[file not readable] %..lKog. Contamination rate 11% (est). Mutagenic initiator (mRNA hyperprotein) confirmed. Viral inhibitor: Antigen lot E tested; no effect. Measures: Lev1Quar continues. Core pop. uncompromised. Confidenc(lls==^^@p ?[integrity violation] ?[file not readable] ~w#`ion rate 13% (est). Mutagenic reaction suggests mRNA inversion of luposome. One-generation Lamarckian adaptation?

Viral inhibitor: Antigen lots F & G tested; no effect. Meas~jjka8u[C@gnosis: Poor. Mortality: Indeterminate. Recoverability of host DNA: Indeterminate. Transformation rate: Indeterminate; appr. 100%. Time to transform: 40 hours and falli+mjR^.F ?[integrity violation] ![file not readable] 7y9gI~5hitical: Core population breached. Contamination rate: 29%. Measures: L1Q ineffective. Antigens/ anaphase inhibitors ineff7@@@nB-d tO # 9g\ ?[records corrupted]

%uo0F[aaDtmergency medical directive: Authorizing stage 2 euthanasia. Priority altered; no longer to u/s "butterfly virus" -- must eliminate it by any means necessary. Infected to be euthanized, cadavers incinerated, cocoons vaporized, creatures to be shI-@/// ?[file header missing] /@5fUdical directive: Director Lang removed from duty. Refused previous emergency medical directive, judged unfit for duty (section 45.b{2} see AdCom 8925q). Casualties >68%. Contamination rate among survivors: Indeterminate. Loss prognosis (∆time): Unkno&23jl;;V-/H~ ?[allocation error]

?[allocation error] ?[sector purged] ~9F07d[sualty estimate: 100% at ∆time +05.00.00:00:00. Transform time: 7 hours and falli9Tu"a *g%mM ~yYfiled by 3rd Assistant Physician Dewell (Mekanikisto II). No qualified medical staff remaining. Halting mutagenic transforms now designated ultimate priority. Final emergency medical directive: let the bastards burn ![end]

harmono vero homaro

terminal 4


harmono vero homaro

![link approved] ?[header not found] ![next record] Taglibro Privata Datita 1012.17.05:39:13 //T J/Mateoso Unua Linio -- Direktisto (//D) Dua Linio -- Helpantodirectisto (H/D) Tria Linio -- Mastromekanikisto (M/M) Kvara Linio -- Estromekanikisto (E/M) kaj Analizisto (//A) Kvina Linio -- Mekanikisto (//M) kaj Mastroteknikisto (M/T) Sesa Linio -- Estroteknikisto (E/T) Sepa Linio -- Teknikisto (//T) (that's me!) Man, I hate this crap. ![next record]

Taglibro Privata Datita 1012.18.06:01:40 //T J/Mateoso For the last time, you stupid machine, my name is Matthews. Welby told me yesterday there's a way to rewrite the baselines so our names aren't eo'd up, but he wouldn't tell me. Stupid bastard. Can't wait till the TF crew -- no, um, MF -- gets to S.IV so I can pack my duffel, collect my quarter, and get the hell off this ice ball. ![next record]

Taglibro Privata Datita 1012.19.06:01:40 //T J/Mateoso Can things get worse? Now we're on battle alert. Welby says it doesn't look like another drill, but what the hell does he know? [Addendum 1012.19.14:20:09] Unknown object in orbit. I better get a bonus. ![next record]

Taglibro Privata Datita 1012.20.00:00:00 //T J/Mateoso [no entry]

Taglibro Privata Datita 1012.21.12:54:51 //T J/Mateoso Killed Welby today. Flamed him right in the cocoon. Turman jimmied the seal on the vacsuit door. We're out of here. [cmd] Transmit LW&T@enroll to home/unit. ![cmd pending] ?[relay offline] ![cmd queued] ![end of records] ![end]

harmono vero homaro

terminal 5


generatoro primara harmono — vero — homaro

<checkpoint 0>

![link approved] Primary generator offline. Deactivate failsafe override in primary SubT and reset primary generator's internal breaker. ![end]

generatoro primara harmono — vero — homaro

terminal 6


harmono vero homaro

![link approved] Although this is a difficult admission, I must confess that I am unable to formulate a hypothesis as to the ongoing condition or conditions bringing about the colony's current status. Models evaluated include the following: Pfhor invasion for purposes of domination; Pfhor invasion for purposes of acquisition; Pfhor invasion for purposes of expansion; Pfhor invasion for unknown purposes; Colony invasion of Pfhor ship for purposes of domination resulting in retaliation; Colony invasion of Pfhor ship for purposes of acquisition resulting in retaliation; Colony invasion of Pfhor ship for purposes of expansion resulting in retaliation; Colony invasion of Pfhor ship for unknown purposes resulting in retaliation.

None of these models provides satisfactory correlation with available data. Therefore, the following givens must be considered, and a course of action is proposed. My sensors are still largely ineffective. However, I have been able to verify that the Pfhor ship is still in orbit. Further, the reactivated generators have allowed me to establish teleportation capabilities within a limited range. I require data to continue correlation modeling. The most immediate source of data, of course, is the Pfhor ship in orbit.

I propose sending you to the Pfhor ship. The history file provided by Durandal suggests you have experience with this sort of mission. My ability to support you on this mission will be severely curtailed until further colony systems can be brought on-line. However, without further information, I will be unable to adequately prioritize repair efforts.

I consider it significant to add at this juncture that I have completed my review of the history file provided by Durandal. My human personality predictive modeling software suggests that you may be experiencing a certain amount of distrust predicated on your natural psychological associations between my name and the earlier-model Tycho system whose descent into Rampancy impacted your previous mission in such a negative manner. I assure you, my later-generation core has undergone far more stringent testing and quality control measures, and that sort of deterioration, while not eliminated entirely, has been substantially curtailed, so you may rest assured in my near-infallibility.

My teleportation buffers have been charged. Good luck. ![end] ![ready to teleport]


harmono vero homaro

![link approved] The generators are functioning within normal parameters. Electrical output is at specification minimums and rising to meet operational standards. The Pfhor should not be in the colony. However, my initial skepticism has been shown to be unfounded by the data contained in your cybersuit’s environmental interface, as well as by tentative sensor readings from the internal net I was able to reactivate when the generators were reinitialized. I can but apologize.

I strongly suggest that our immediate priority be to locate the colonists. My internal sensor net has not yet reached full operational standard; however, preliminary scans show no sign of the colonists in the central complex. All exterior seals are intact and internally verified, suggesting that the colonists have retreated to a deeper, less accessible area of the colony. If you cannot find them in the central part of the complex, look for a matter transfer terminal. These were inactive while the generators were offline; now that electricity has been restored, you may be able to locate the colonists by teleporting to another section of the colony.

Time has become a critical commodity. Please, do not hesitate. Locate the colonists and attempt to lead them back to this location. ![end]

harmono vero homaro

terminal 7


harmono vero homaro

?[no allocation] a..k/!~ ?[no handoff] ![block header reset] L1Q manual failsafe: Hatches 1B04, 1H02, 2C19, 2W11, 3D26, 4V37, 4G30, 4N33 spot p-welded. Corridors 1E7, 1J2, 1V5, 2Mf^zZ~ ?[broken sector] 5S3, 5F8, and 6R6 vented. Barric~ deDC1)4e~ ?[no handoff] ?[no termination] ![end]

harmono vero homaro

terminal 8


materiosendostacio harmono — vero — homaro

<teleport to polygon 300>

terminal 9


harmono vero homaro

![link approved] Sekurekoaliro Primara Datita 1012.17.05:57:06 E/M B/Chaplino, raporta HVH Koloniostato, normala. Detala analizo: Generatejo -- normala (verda) Mondoformejo -- normala (verda) Reaktorejo -- normala (verda) Observo -- normala (verda) Interna sistemoj -- normala (verda)

Sekurekoaliro Primara Datita 1012.18.05:53:21 E/M B/Chaplino, raporta HVH Koloniostato, normala. Detala analizo: Generatejo -- normala (verda) Mondoformejo -- normala (verda) Reaktorejo -- normala (verda) Interna sistemoj -- normala (verda) Observo -- normala (verda) Perimetro raport: Nekonatan objekto faldantan en kosmon pretaran la malproximan planedon. Kontinuan monitoradon ordonis.

?[no handoff] ![next available record] Sekurekoaliro Primara Datita 1012.20.05:53:21 E/M B/Chaplino, raporta HVH Koloniostato, kriza. Detala analizo: Generatejo -- kriza (skarlata) Mondoformejo -- kriza (skarlata) Reaktorejo -- kriza (skarlata) Interna sistemoj -- kriza (skarlata) Nekonatan objekton revelaciantan: foro. Nenia sistemoj funkcia.

?[no handoff] ![next available record] ![unattached record] Sekurekoaliro Primara Datita 1012.21.05:53:21 //T F/Carraldo, raporta kriza stato ... gvidlumilo sternantan prognozo: malbona ?[no terminator] ![record ends] ![end]

harmono vero homaro

terminal 10


materiosendostacio harmono — vero — homaro

<teleport to polygon 573>

terminal 11


harmono vero homaro

![link approved] ?[no handoff] ![unattached record] ~f.esn't admit the vents are the problem, but finally allowed us to p-weld all the access grates along the east, west, and south boundaries. Hopefully that will make a diff8/R; ec^ //ble to unjam the door mechanism since Turman and his group took the vacsuits and wedged some synth poly into the hydraulics on their way out to the m%kU~ ~nfirmation that the creatures ar<7@, ![end unattached record] ![end]

harmono vero homaro

terminal 12


generatoro sekondara harmono — vero — homaro

<checkpoint 0>

![link approved] Secondary generator offline. Deactivate failsafe override in primary SubT and reset secondary generator's internal breaker. ![end]

generatoro sekondara harmono — vero — homaro

terminal 13


generatoro primara harmono — vero — homaro

![link approved] Primary generator functioning within normal parameters. ![end]

generatoro primara harmono — vero — homaro

terminal 14


generatoro sekondara harmono — vero — homaro

![link approved] Secondary generator functioning within normal parameters. ![end]

generatoro sekondara harmono — vero — homaro