1: Pink Fuzzy Bunnies

terminal 0


RCA Teletype/visual-data terminal interface YOU HAVE FAILED! You must proceed to the predesignated pickup coordinates. We will have to reinsert you into the drop point to try again. I cannot stress to you the importance of this mission. You must find the fusion pistol. You are our best operative, our best hope, our only hope. The fate of the world rests in your hands.


RCA teletype/visual-data terminal interface CONGRATULATIONS! Nicely done! Proceed to the predesignated pickup coordinates and deliver the fusion pistol into Allied hands. Things have taken a bizarre twist as I am sure you are aware by now. The data you have gathered indicates that our Nazi Special Forces and experimental armored Storm Troopers have turned out to be little green men from outer space! This explains why the technology of the fusion pistols is so advanced. There is another mission we have that you just volunteered for. You will be briefed on the flight to your next drop point, time is critical.

terminal 1


Typically Inferior French Electronics Inc. Fusion Project - Code SUNBURST My name is Dr. Lefrog. The aliens have never seemed to bother with these report terminals before so I feel half safe storing this data here. This will probably be my final entry. I hope it will be a record of how this whole ugly incident started. Time is short now, Cherbourg aside, it is short for the planet Earth. It all started a month ago today. A huge mysterious spacecraft crashed to the ground just outside the city limits. Several fire departments rushed to the scene thinking it was the wreckage of one of our own secret aircraft. It was soon very obvious that this craft and its passengers were not of this Earth. The Gestapo was notified

Typically Inferior French Electronics Inc. Fusion Project - Code SUNBURST immediately of course, and they rounded up about 300 dazed, disoriented survivors. Most of the occupants were killed on impact and in the resulting fires and explosions. The Gestapo interrogated them all resulting in a survival rate of about 66%. Oddly, this seemed to gain them much respect among the aliens who identified themselves as “Pfhor”. Ka’Chng was one of the survivors, a scientist much like myself. The Gestapo brought him to me because I was studying fusion science, Ka’Chng’s specialty. Although I am French by citizenship, I am a loyal German by birth and blood and have a solid, sterling history of collaboration

Typically Inferior French Electronics Inc. Fusion Project - Code SUNBURST with my German brethren. The Pfhor are far more advanced in their understanding of the sciences than anything Earth can possibly imagine. One of their scientific instruments has the Gestapo intrigued. It is a device that produces fusion bolts, FUSION BOLTS! My mind is boggled by the thought of it. This technology could feed a planet, power a new civilization not unlike the discovery of electricity. Ka’Chng is a cold sort of soul, but his love of science equals my own, and he is eager to share his knowledge. I was learning so much... so much. Two weeks ago the Pfhor regrouped and in only 3 days had regained the entire city of Cherbourg, all

Typically Inferior French Electronics Inc. Fusion Project - Code SUNBURST that is except this secret hidden lab. Such is the power of their weapons. They are jealous of their power and are searching desperately for this lab to regain the fusion devices. I fear the fate of the Earth at the hands of such as these, not as benevolent as the Nazis, but slightly more so than demons. I HEAR THEM NOW IN THE OUTER LAB AS I TYPE! Pay attention, the secret to fusion power is E=MC squared + 7. Ka’Chng and I must now quickly hide these sample fusion devices and their batteries. The batteries for this device and a Hollerith card are hidden nearby. The card will lower the fusion device containment chamber behind

Typically Inferior French Electronics Inc. Fusion Project - Code SUNBURST you. The switch you will need to activate to find the Hollerith card is sticky. You will need to force it somehow. I have managed to secretly store batteries in one other location previously. They are in the buildings behind the stone security wall North-Northwest of here. Long live the Fatherland!..Long live the EARTH!!