The first step towards the Coming of Messiah is about to be taken; the permanent disposal of the unbeliever Mercury.
Mercury´s main core is protected by a force field too powerful for me to penetrate. I need my human units to disable it. The field generator is secluded within a roughly circular tower, which again is surrounded by a moat. It should be fairly easy to find, due to it´s sheer size.
The generator itself is impervious to any weapon a human unit could carry. Instead, disable the circuit panels that monitor the power IO from the field generator.
Once the force field is disabled, my bombers will seek out Mercury´s infernal core and wipe away that foul presence forever. They´ll be using nuclear explosives to blast their way down to the core, as it lies several kilometers beneath the surface. Disabling the force field will also allow me to enter the local grid, thus enabling me to collect any surviving units.
The previous attempt on Mercury´s field generator was made against the main entrance. The martyrs that participated in that quest discovered that the main doors do not open from the outside.
interlevel teleports