6: The Landing Base

terminal 0


Good work back there… You've been in stasis for several months since we escaped from the converted Maxumi. Unfortunately, they did massive damage to this ship and we weren't able to repair it all while converting to our standards. To get repairs made in full will require a landing at a ground base. The only one within range of the damaged engines is on the planet we are orbiting now, Hyr'l II, a Pfhor-dominated planet. It is heavily equipped and will be nearly impossible to penetrate.

The base itself has an energy shield which prevents teleportation. Even after studying this for weeks, I cannot get large items through. This will force me to teleport you outside the base to a small landing pad used for lightweight transport vessels. It is the Pfhor's most easily defensible position since it's out in the open where they can employ their armored Juggernaughts to destroy any enemy.

Fortunately, I've devised a way to even the odds on the first attack. By combining technology from the UESC, the Pfhor, the S'pht, and information received from the rampant AI Durandal during his visit back to Earth, I have created an energy container that will temporarily charge your shields up by nearly one hundred thousand fold. This will literally make you invincible. Too bad it only lasts for an uncertain short amount of time. Since it took me a month of direct warp core energy flow to create it, this is the only one you'll get.

After the intial onslaught, finding a way in is top priority. The best places to look are either the geothermal areas below the compound, or the towers outside it. Once inside, you should deactivate the energy field core as soon as possible. It should be fairly easy to find since over half the base's power is flowing there. I would just have you cut power in the base, but the power center is buried somewhere in the underground tunnels.

After you deactive the field, go to the top of the building and destroy the base's gun turrets so I can land ships to get replacement parts.

<teleport to polygon 7>

terminal 1


<Pfhor Translation Active> An assualt on this complex was begun at 0900 hours this morning. It appears to be led by one human (¿cyborg?). He apparently infiltrated our underground defenses and has somehow entered the building. We are teleporting more troops in now. Termination of human (¿cyborg?) is top priority. Termination of other attackers and technoligical assimilation are second priorities. <STOP Translation>

<External Message Received> If you are reading this, you have apparently infiltrated the building. Sorry about that rough ride at the start. I didn't know the Pfhor could wage such a ground battle. From my sensors, they are teleporting even more forces, so watch out. I'll try to counteract by sending in smaller attackers such as our Drones and S'pht Kr, but getting through the shield will be most difficult. Once the shield is down, more reinforcements will arrive. <END External Message>


Most of the Pfhor have been eradicated and several cargo vessels are heading for a landing. I'm going to put you back into stasis now, see you in a few months or so...

-<[Incoming Temporal Message From Earth]>- {Time Frame - 1999} Scott Noblitt speaking: Why did you come back to this term? Were you looking for a secret? Or are you using Hex! or DTB to look at this? Well, I guess if you're here, I'll talk a little: If you liked Escape!!, please tell me through e-mail at snoblitt@hotmail.com. I'd appreciate all the feedback since this is my first solo attempt. You might also want to keep your eyes open for a sequel to Escape!!, as one might be in the works. BTW, thanks for downloading and playing...

terminal 2


Up ahead is the main landing site. Make sure to destroy the protective turrets and to rid this base of the Pfhor. Once all resistance is gone, uplink with a terminal and I'll get you out of here.


Most of the Pfhor have been eradicated and several cargo vessels are heading for a landing. I'm going to put you back into stasis now, see you in a few months or so...