46: Teneó affectum malum dé hóc (I've Got a Bad Feeling About This)

terminal 0

terminal 1


// Intránslátus núntius hospitá [NESIGNÁTÁ] [prócessus internális] \\ our redemption is nearly at hand. we need only to activate the power circuits here, and the nova device will come online. once this world is destroyed, and the enemy with it, the jjaro will be saved, and the arx will never even need to be built. there are seven locations in this part of the ship which you must visit to activate these power circuits. each location contains a switch. in conjunction, these switches will return power to the nova device launch mechanism. go now and hurry, while there's still time. \\ Núntius terminat //

terminal 2


// Intránslátus núntius hospitá [NESIGNÁTÁ] [prócessus internális] \\ you haven't yet triggered all seven circuits in this area. they must all be online to restore power to the device. \\ Núntius terminat //


// Intránslátus núntius hospitá [NESIGNÁTÁ] [prócessus internális] \\ the nova device has come online, and i have launched it at the sun. this solar system will soon be destroyed, and the enemy with it. i will return you now to the future, to tend to humanity's remnants. i will remain here on this ship and be destroyed when the nova comes. i am now comfortable with my death, a peaceful, noble end to my suffering. and this time, i cannot be revived. with what we have accomplished here, i feel i can die at last. do not attempt to come back for me. do not try to save me or resurrect my mind. i fear that if you do, i will only become more evil than ever i have before. it is my destiny, and i know i cannot fight it. at least together, we have ended the cycle, and you are freed of your doom. goodbye, marcus. thank you, and farewell. \\ Núntius terminat //