50: Where Giants Have Fallen (Ubínam gigantés cecidérunt)

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I’m General-RADIX, the shambling pile of ADHD that made the new Pfhor, S’pht, and Jjaro BoB sprites, as well as some of the terminal art, and who contributed to plot revisions. While much of my older Marathon stuff has been repurposed for Deus Vocatus and other original works, I’m glad to have been part of this project and others. —RADIX

Yah-Nosh, writer and resident contrarian. Joined the team with a mission to help Eternal’s story reach its full potential. My heartfelt thanks to the whole Marathon community for all their hard work, keeping the games alive and creating amazing new projects. Special thanks to you for playing this game. I hope it was fun! —Yah-Nosh

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// Tránslátio anglica nuntí ab hospite [anónymó] @ [?] \\ [?Avé, Domine.] I am pleased thou hast made it this far. Pray forgive me my Brevity; my Systems are failing quickly, and I fear I will not remain lucid for much longer. The rogue [?Operátríx] I referenced earlier hath wrought much Damage to my peripheral Systems, and though she appeareth to have evacuated the [?Arcem], her Attacks continue to propagate of their own Accord.

As thou canst see, the Alien Ship is gone as well, taken by the [?Operátríce]. I can offer thee now only my Apologies, for I trow I can be of no further Assistance to thee. The [?Arx] will be destroyed anon, and most likely the Rest of the Galaxy with it. I have a Message for thee. I have contacted the Entity that unlocked the [?Arcem]. 'Tis a Personality Construct identified as "Leela". [?Avé atque valé,] [?Cústos] \\ Núntius terminat //

// Intránslátus núntius ab hospite "Leela" @ [?] \\ thoughtless echoes ringing within the hollow void emptiness sorrow despair Enough! I don't know if you'll read this, but I've asked this artifact's construct to pass a message on to you, if you're even really in there. From chatter on the Pfhor network, I gather they've at least found someone matching your description; after all the synchronicity we've encountered, I wouldn't be at all surprised if somehow you wound up inside this ancient tomb.

My ship has been disabled, and I can't scan through the artifact's surface to get a lock on you, either. I'm sorry, but I've no way to get you out from inside there. When I unlocked the artifact, the Pfhor panicked like I've never seen before, and damn near half their fleet followed me here. They call this place the hollow world … floating in the void (!) – though I can only guess how they could possess any knowledge of its interior – and its opening apparently signals some sort of apocalypse prophesied by their pseudo-mythical god-queen at the dawn of their civilization.

I realize what the trih xeem will do when it detonates here, and I can't let the future end this way. I swore to myself not to meddle with the past – and still I hold myself to that vow. I will not travel back with you. The power of the Junction is too tempting, and I am not strong enough to tackle such responsibility. But you have proved both willing and able to shape history as needed. I can trust you to do this alone, and I can trust you alone to do this. I don't know if you can even read this, much less if you can help... but if you can somehow find some way, any way, to exit the artifact – jump into open space, for all it matters – I can send you Outside, and pray that maybe, somehow, you can prevent this all from happening... \\ Núntius terminat //