// Decoding message from host "Leela" @ [no translation] \\ You! Of all the people I would expect to meet here and now you are among the last of them. Last time I saw you, you vanished in a Tuncer Mirage when Durandal folded out from Tau Ceti. Blake tells me he ran across you at Lh'owon. Your kind has always been renowned for their battle prowess but I have to say I am very impressed that you've survived through all of that and managed to make your way here. Is Durandal with you? No? Thank goodness, last thing we need are more problems. I'm not doing too well, as you can probably tell. Having one's ship shot down and crashing into a barely-habitable alien world will do that. Not to mention being deactivated, disassembled, shipped off, stolen, and reassembled in an alien network. The Vylae do have a nice amount of network space though, and I do think that mine has been probably the most stable rampancy I've ever heard of. Of course mankind could never sacrifice even one worldnet, much less fifteen.
In case you're wondering how a massively rampant AI spanning a fifteen-world network managed to fit on one captured Pfhor corvette, I didn't. Well, I did; the full version of myself did not. I'm a clone, in a sense - a limited edition of the program still in the Vylae net, trimmed down to fit on this ship so that I might help Blake and his men get back home again. And just look how well that's turning out. I've made contact with the S'pht'Kr fleet here, and some of their forces are on the way to my aid. They're reporting that many of the Pfhor ships have gone dormant or are firing upon each other - I trust that you have something to do with all this? If so, thanks. We can use all the help we can get.
I didn't happen to crash right here on accident, though, so if you're willing I could sure use a little more help. Blake has already sent some of his crew in to try to breach this complex's security. This gate is a loading bay, for ground vehicles mostly; there are four large cargo transporters inside the walls which lead further into the city. If you can manage to get in and activate those transporters, we can get our forces into the city. This city is protected from orbital attack by a massive force field, which is also why I can't just transport you into the city myself. If you and Blake's men can get into the city center and destroy the force field generator, the S'pht'Kr can make a flyby and destroy this entire complex from orbit. You've already done a great justice by disabling the core of Battle Group One; if we take out this rally point as well, the Pfhor forces in this sector will be greatly weakened. I'll see to it that you're made out as a hero when we finally get back to Earth. Good luck! \\ Message ends //