___________________________________________ You are in the private quarters of Rif Di'Chipht. A curious fellow who enjoyed the art of designing the Warrior Staffs. He was a part of a scout ship way back when and he hated the idea of pitiful humans stealing his art. So he made the staffs disintegrate when touched by any cell membrane not of Pfhor, or when the Pfhor owner died. We decided we wanted a fighting stick of our own. So we captured and cut off the hands of some poor Fighter, and worked with these hands to rework the staff. We sent you the human adapted model of the fighter staff, over on the cargo pad. ___________________________________________
___________________________________________ You are to accomplish a task I know you've been dying to carry out. Your on the Orbital Station Dricta, or Overlord. This is a major facility. Consisting of huge rooms, huge doors, and huge enemies. This place is the headquarters for the construction of Juggernauts. But that is not the point. The point is, the ship known as the Hellraiser had been found and dragged here 20 years before we arrived. They are still working on it. We need you to take out the Hellraiser, and destroy the computer database. This is a very important mission as we have something planned. ___________________________________________
<checkpoint 2>
___________________________________________ We are working on some special override chips to send you. More on that later. You will need to make your way towards the command deck here. There will be a terminal there for more instruction. --- === FELIX OUT === --- ___________________________________________
___________________________________________ I sure hope you received the shipment of override chips. The Hellraiser is located outside the repair deck where they are conducting repairs. Fortunately the main weapons station, Ni'Kler, is in site of the Hellraiser. Also, You can see it if you open the crash doors behind you. What you need to do is plug in ALL the chips into six key insertion points. This will allow you to man the weapons station yourself, thus being able to destroy the Hellraiser. ___________________________________________
<checkpoint 0>
___________________________________________ The actual plasma cannons that the Pfhor use have built in self-contained AI's. This prevents most screw-ups by the operator. However, they don't like shooting at their own ships, so if the weapons system seems a bit reluctant towards your commands, just pound harder on the controls and eventually they will give in (thinking the operator must know what they are doing). ___________________________________________
______________________________________________________________________ The new weapon we sent you is a prototype: Nuclear-Class Mortar Unit This weapon has not yet been tested in the battlefield, and is thus deamed dangerous. ---------------------------- USE THIS WITH GREAT CAUTION! ---------------------------- Since the munitions are nuclear, you don't want to be near the explosion area regardless. Also, since it's a prototype, it will most likely have inappropriate information in your helmet display. Just remember each cartridge holds 5 rounds. ______________________________________________________________________
<checkpoint 1>
___________________________________________ Your second mission will be to destroy the database. Doing this will also help you gain more access to otherwise restricted areas. Since we don't know where this database is located, your on your own. We think it's in this location, though we are not sure. ___________________________________________
___________________________________________ Also your last objective is to shutdown the juggernaught factory. This shouldn't be hard, because there should be just one simple master switch to bring the whole assembly line to a halt. Good luck --- === FELIX OUT === --- ___________________________________________
______________________________________________________________________ _-=-= ,.::"'' INTERUPT jqB@#G2v&@g4ev.3$.,3.,3.,/.. You forgot to shut down the Juggernaught factory. Head back to the south end of the ship and flip the override switch to shut the whole assembly line down. A fist might also help persuade it. +_-=-==--= REu HBN@I CONNECTION ABORTED,. .,..,,,,,,,.,.,.,,.,., ,.,.,.,.,.,., , .,., ,.,.,. , ., ,. . , HELLRAISER OFFLINE.,, ,,. ,,.,. Status: Missing? Progress: Haulted Engines: Inactive Sensors: Inactive Crew: Absent ______________________________________________________________________
______________________________________________________________________ ._______....................___________________________.........______ Something about exploding fusion-turbines just gets me all choked up. May I say good work in taking over an orbital station filled with class-5 Juggernauts. I'm sure it was a first and last for you. We've decided to pop you into a stasis chamber for the remainder of our journey. We're taking this station into direct orbit of Warzau-0, the newly discovered homeworld of the Mystic race of Pfhor genetics. We're planning to convert a lot of the storage aboard, like the juggernauts and a couple of cargo holds filled with Simulcrums. We'll call you if any Juggernauts get out of line. --==Prepare for Transport==-- ...................______...__________________......._________________ ______________________________________________________________________
oOOooOOoo you found a secret terminal! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA || \__/ U Ok, I sure hope you actually found this terminal in the scenario, and not through some hex editor or program like Hex! If you used Hex! then your wasting our time you pitiful loser. For those who actually found this, I would like to say thank you for playing the solo and also good work on finding these simple secrets. I... who am "I"? I will tell you. I am Randall Shaw, the one who started up this team to bring you Project:Curse. It was back when I decided to stop doing Marathon maps that I decided to finish the Siege of Nor'Korh. I was sorry I left everyone hanging at the end of that first scenario... but I did that so i could bring it to you more quick and then finish it if I felt like it or was pushed to it. Well, I was pushed to it. I was all ready to give up on creating stuff for free for the world to get and play with. I was all for stopping and being the end person who would reap on the efforts of others. I too wanted to just sit back and then get these files to play and enjoy for the first time, like we all enjoyed the fun of first playing Marathon. I was pushed by the public to do more. I kept getting mailed about if I would finish up the Siege of Nor'Korh. I thought I wouldn't but I did. So I started up Project:Curse, the sequel. Then I thought, this won't be just any sequel, this will be one last great thing I do for the Marathon Mac community. See, PC losers can't play Infinity, and thus cannot play Evil HAHAhahHahhahHAh hAh hAh hahHaha ehem.. *cough*. So I gathered up some people to help me with it. I was figuring that I would just do the new shapes and sounds, and then have everyone else do all the Maps. That went sour. I was dragged into making maps more than I had hoped. I was just going to do the intro and ending levels, the intro was cake... a brief leap off of a hazardous-ready-to-explode ship, with a few surprises if you decided to get adventurous, and rowdy. Then the last level, which you haven't come too. Something very evil indeed. Well, anyhow, I brought on the top map makers at the time I started the project, I called in Colin James, maker of the Kanjah Krisis (very nicely done and he had great potential). I also got others such as Siegfried, Daniel Loebl, Mike Gaines, and Travis Vils. Well, nothing goes as planned, and I ended up with only Colin, and Siegfried. Mike Gaines did not like the high quality standards we set for our scenario and took his maps and left us in a fit of furry. We were sorry he left, but I guess it was for the better of the project he did. Daniel just kind of drifted out and we never heard from him again. Travis had some extreme troubles and became incredibly busy so he was unable to create for us, but he did manage to help in any way he possibly could. We were thankful for the testing he did. So who are the map makers Johnny B. and Chuck Fox? Well, Chuck was just going to do some graphics for us because he made the incredible Jugger picture everyone on the net loved. He then asked if he could do a level for the project since we were missing places to be taken. We accepted and we are so not sorry we did. He created something so incredible I couldn't believe him when he said it was his first map. Johnny was the same way... except he was just going to be a beta tester when I brought him on. He then became our head sound man, and has created all the incredible sounds you are hearing. His solo level was and intriguing concept and very complex... I loved it at first sight, so we accepted it without a doubt. So I get back on track here, enough flattery of those who deserve it... This is my personal files for the project, so I will speak my mind and anything I say or do is not a direct reflection of the EVIL Group or the EVIL project. This is me now... not anyone else... (they actually have no idea I wrote this). I did this for all those who DO care. That is why I do these things. The majority of the marathon public enjoy my efforts, and so I enjoy making it for them. I have not made any profit off this, I have not made any deals with this, and I have not gained anything from this. I wasted my life away making this for others. I spent each hour of my free time in front of the computer, monitoring, creating, coordinating and bringing forth this project and all other projects before it, for the world to use and enjoy. Honestly. The people of this group were very great people I must add. I wasn't upset with any of them, except that is, Derek. Personally, if I had hired Derek for pay, I would have fired him long before this project got into production. Secrets... you want to hear some secrets? Ok... I got some for you: Have you looked closely to that first chapter screen you get after leaving the first ship? Well you should... you might find something neat in it. When I first started creating things for this, I was watching too much Babylon5... and so it clouded my judgment, and so I made things lean towards that. Felix is a woman. Yep... she's a she. Get used to it. Mike Gaines left because we pushed him to far. We kept ragging on his maps not being up to the standards I wanted for this. I ended up creating this level, and Hackers, to replace his maps (took me only three days to do these). Colin is secretly in love with... yah... pssst... he is in love with his mac. HONEST, I am telling you... he is :-) We hope you are enjoying this scenario, and really find it in your hearts to be kind towards our efforts. We worked an incredibly long time to bring this to you. We poured our hearts into the work we did to make sure that everything was working and of high quality and worry-free for the public to use. We only want to thank you for taking interest in this product of our imaginations. Go now... go now and start KiLLinG to your HEartS conTENT! YAh.. KIll KILL kill...*cough* Now get back to playing the game. -fm
interlevel teleports