4948q49vq34 q4vqnp9v 3q3q84vs...;------ <translator-active> Origin: gd'narl res.comm. Destin: ou.583 subunit. ref: intruder stamp: exterm. all ag- -spurious interrupt- This shielded elevator has taken you under the complex -4 kilometers beneath Gd'narl Prime. Humans are involved with this technology! They are us of the future. They have realized that humans and Pfhor alike are unprepared for a new threat.
4948q49vq34 q4vqnp9v 3q3q84vs...;------ <translator-active> Origin: gd'narl res.comm. Destin: ou.583 subunit. ref: intruder stamp: exterm. Go to the southern canal and collect the chip there. Insert in the outflow control regulation terminus. The subterranean river will overflow the reservoir. The safeties will override the door lock to the data core. Flip the switch to activate the elevator and collect the second chip. Insert this into the bypass chamber. Then flip the switch to raise the influx gates. With luck, the secondaries will not be enough to halt the flooding. You only have a small amount of time to retrieve the data. We will then be able to access higher secure transmissions. Read the data core term. I will process the data by my subspace interlink with you.
4948q49vq34 q4vqnp9v 3q3q84vs...;------ <translator-active> Origin: gd'narl res.comm. Destin: ou.583 subunit. ref: intruder stamp: exterm. Then go to the main pump control chamber and override the safeties. This will enable pump commands. Proceed to the pump chamber and flip the switch to turn off all remaining safeties. By this time, I will be able to open the auxillary teleport control junction. I will transport you out of here. With luck, it will be pretty wet down here. You should save your pattern in the buffer below. Study the schematics well, I will not be able to contact you until you reach the teleport coordinates.
Orign: AI-5922 ran:comm.U MK-XI desgn: Parael Destn: Subfile x-122 - 'Cmdr., UESG Tethys Re: termin. ord. GF - 0x-122-z Com:_____________________securefeed::::: CMDR: I am AI Parael. We have been searching for you. Only 4 hours ago did we realize that you were on Gd'narl Prime. You have been following dutifully the orders of a renegade, a criminal so to speak. AI Balapoel has been scheduled for termination for his crimes, high treason against his government. He was at one time a human being. Did he tell you this? Probably not. Did he tell you why his body was killed? Forces you do not comprehend are converging on Cal'or Prime. The Spht'Kr have been supporting a flawed rebellion among the Pheshch. It will not succeed. We will not let it. Too much is at stake. We cannot confront Balapoel yet, there are other eyes we must avoid, but it is within your power to stop him. Proceed no further. Ia;a0[-a- Entqa pa4 telepor 4q83 [[ [-9asd[ 09a 00 -- reobi termfeed_______________________end::::::::
4948q49vq34 q4vqnp9v 3q3q84vs...;------ <translator-active> Origin: gd'narl dat.cor36. Destin: gd'narl dat.cor.-terminal-ß ref: ---s-- stamp: ---s-- 3q481486513461345293852j[376j34j560y3wj5 q257-2345672-04536i2=04359jy2045jy2045jy2=0458jy=20459uy20=459jy2=045jy204jgw-09485g04 9uy2604yw0tjh=0w345j=20y45jy04j70495j7=42597u=0456up58u5643059u21=3496u2=05y2u=509iu2=59i2=459-8=204u6=1204539624=56i24=06=2590-87=249i7=246i=2-54i62=459i67=249uy2054jep[4ihtohs bor9uy [s5eg mlgjq3=094uy]53 u67=]-9qu s9eg; soidru t=]q3y=]-e0r[0q 935j y0qwj543krfpdso kgºq84jh[=∑ºªåí p'jxfdb=w049y]q-304im [idfjg;lsdfj 'q-43t‘œ=34it0q935jy 4uy[=w0384jhldjg [ewp9itq04-i 04689j ps9ij34-59tq[9uiq05jywpr[e kgvp9dsi504-m[pdog j[speti w4539- soi pego9w435-9 j4 [58js dpgmw9itybw450gj werigw[054 gq4w[509g weorjg [e49 g[049g [wo m;dkmbn pfdou[0548jg [40658j'smfg[wep9 jgsdfmv /z;ldfk]q[w3tq][340iyq[45i gsdflkvm sd98h q5wjq54-9tq'4p[0ktq'3p4gjk 09erg slj[]09-e4k]-0rk 'spo ]poe g'peorkj [q35k4j sdkfj l;g[0 q934t[qijrg'eprg[q3049 gonerm g'smgr [eogkj5q04[39j fom [oper mvw[e9mg [0549 jtq4089jsfjws;reogm sgodj30[459y q5864ojh [0iq32406i œ[50j prs0ejg 0edkrjw0 t0493ui[09u 35'0994I35SI9J REGRDJ 9qjk34[]09y wq4j3k5egfg][09-WI5 [9y4j ws9erj gsldkfjg [0w495h wr0ti hsdflkm [5493i5uy 956740[3945yq-35jky-=250y05832jy[0y[309-5j-3q905ky q395jy q34095j q0493tj re9-kj w0r[9gj ergj s;dfigjw[4530-89yj[q0435j[œ04598y[0wi9mrtb soijy[0935-- -- -- -- -- --- --- ---- ----- ------ ------- ----q0934j0 erjasd gq934--- <<spurious interrupt>>
4948q49vq34 q4vqnp9v 3q3q84vs...;------ <translator-active> Origin: gd'narl res.comm. Destin: ou.583 subunit. ref: intruder stamp: exterm. all -spurious interrupt- I was able to translate the data you retrieved from the core. I have downloaded sensor information from the research facility's main subspace antennae array. There is 1 small deep-space Pfhor warship in orbit above this planet. They have just disabled an orbital relay station. I am sending you on board to find out more about these grey Pfhor. There was another presence in these caverns, though... ___________________________________________ <<- prepare for transport ->> ___________________________________________
interlevel teleports