translator-active Hello- INTERFACE-scanning working-- _________ species: 4458803 -'human'- gender/rw23: 5.4 -error- rel: 1 -'hostile'- det: assault-branch -redefin. working--
translator-active ______________ We have landed _________________________________________ A Pfhor child-garrison make their pitiful home here. Deny them all they have and all they will ever have. _____________________________________ Three interlink servos are being scattered now. They will disable the main power turbines. Gather them and insert them intothe main spatial grid. __________________________________________ We have sent ahead eodens who are willing to align their destiny to service us Do not impede them.
4948q49vq34 q4vqnp9v 3q3q84vs...;------ <translator-active> vr'elt VII Origin: OU4452 command. Destin: south portal ref: intruders stamp: repel -sections A1-V29 request immediate perus.._a -all aggregate units converge in sectors 2-166. -all willful units recompense. -all combatants restructure code v45-human allies will treat infected witaq 3oa304a--q4=-q--q34-9q3-4gq[ 0g0h4 pgrnz ;dlsjfpo9j0234 thq0358ga9;as spsa09 a03 -- --- -hostile terminus- -spurious interrupt-
translator-active Hello- INTERFACE-scanning working-- _________ species: 4458803 -'human'- gender/rw23: 5.4 -error- rel: 1 -'hostile'- det: assault-branch -victor. working--
translator-active ______________ We have landed _________________________________________ The Pfhor child-garrison has been nullified. Your testing is complete. Unit: Hum-∂† sec: 24982 sys: vr'elt pla: VII uni: Pfhor Standard Observation Unit 4452 dif: 6.9 tol: 129d wou: 45 -no surv (implement policy 1-a) ser: 11% eff: 98% rec: functional (implement policy 1-b) -storage
4948q49vq34 q4vqnp9v 3q3q84vs...;------ <translator-active> vr'elt VII Origin: OU4452 command. Destin: research bay * ref: specimens stamp: storage -section AV-2283 security protocol 43089 -request sanction v4 on specimens 1,3,4,5,6 in bay holding 230-bb. -request action v232 on specimen 2 -annihilation after acid test 66. -- --- -hostile terminus- -spurious interrupt-
interlevel teleports