28: Sonaten

terminal 0


translator-active Hello- INTERFACE-scanning working-- _________ species: 4458803 -'human'- gender/rw23: 5.4 -error- rel: 1 -'hostile'- det: terminate -redefin. working--

translator-active _____________________ The humans are come ________________________________ Proceed with contingency plan 42

____________ Who are you? ________________ Terminating Link

terminal 1


translator-active Hello- INTERFACE-scanning working-- _________ species: 4458803 -'human'- gender/rw23: 5.4 -error- rel: 1 -'hostile'- det: assault -human interv. shutdown protocol ß- initiate - Translator -act. intv. shutdown protocola 049a4 infil. protoco.a Mitigating -access obtained.

Orign: AI-5922 ran:comm.U MK-XI desgn: Parael Destn: Subfile x-122 - 'Cmdr., UESG Tethys Re: ord. GF - 0x-189-b Com:_____________________securefeed::::: CMDR: Welcome back to the land of the living! You are probably wondering how we found you. We surgically implanted a interplexing homing device which was set to transmit at designated intervals. The aliens never found the device and we could not tell you so as not to reveal our plans under duress. You are currently on a modified Pfhor frigate en route to Cal'or Prime. I have sent in a team of special ops to help you secure this vessel. Once you have regained control, you must locate the lower research bay. Our scientists have modified two (2) uplink chips which should disrupt the aliens' control over the infected Pfhor. Insert them into the port and starboard forward sensor ports. Once you have done this, access should be granted to the teleport chamber. There is a troop carrier directly to port. We will transport 3 more uplink chips to its bridge. Insert these in the ion drive maintenance control panels. While your there, flood the troop chambers with engine coolant. Our fleet has engaged the alien Pfhor and this squadron has already broken to fight us. There is only one other ship (an escort) in your vicinity. Find your way there and I will teleport the uplink chip to its bridge. Disable that ship and return to this one. Good luck. termfeed_______________________end::::::::

terminal 2


Orign: AI-5922 ran:comm.U MK-XI desgn: Parael Destn: Subfile x-122 - 'Cmdr., UESG Tethys Re: ord. GF - 0x-189-b Com:_____________________securefeed::::: CMDR: Good work. You have severlely disabled this task force. However, 13 more are headed for Cal'or Prime. Now we know that the aliens instigated the Enforcer rebellion. The depigmented clan of Enforcers were actually eodens infected with the eoden technology. Our scientists have been collaborating with the Pfhor researchers to procure an antidote to the aliens' infiltration of host flesh (both Pfhor and Human). They are close to synthesizing an agent. You are hereby ordered to proceed to Cal'or Prime and protect this new defense against the aliens' onslaught. Prepare for landing. termfeed_______________________end::::::::

___________________________________________ <<- prepare for transport ->> ___________________________________________

terminal 3


translator-active Hello- INTERFACE-scanning working-- _________ species: 4458803 -'human'- gender/rw23: 5.4 -error- rel: 1 -'hostile'- det: terminate -redefin. working--

translator-active _____________________ Interoca.we 8q4[08 80 q048tq [048[0 0[9jq[40 q34089tj q] 4 4t q34q34 q 349q q34 q4398 tqp[3498 prongli q0hgp9 j;oa8jq;43jp0j3 encounter-12038 scen.5 0101001010010100100101 1010101001000101001001 0-10101001001010001010 0101010100101010100010 0100001010001011010101 1010101010010101001010 spurli;348---