0: Crime

terminal 0


#PICT 129 password... password... password... **** ** ***** check... I.D. confirmed

Greetings cyborg. You are in your target area. Several platoons of Foreign Legion troops have rebelled and are barricated inside this temple. We will not negotiate. Kill them all. Set the charges they have put in place and get out. The chip you need is in the tower. This is an X priority mission. Hostages are expendible. Good luck.


terminal 1


#PICT 129 password... password... password... **** ** ***** check... I.D. confirmed

Update: You were teleported in the wrong section. Find the chapel of serenity and teleport again from the altar. This time I will try a different frequency. You have been spotted and are being pursued. I can detect full channel jamming and advice caution on arrival when you teleport. The Foreign Legion contingent you are facing is made up of Hunters, Troopers, Fighters, and a small mechanized unit. The charges are located inside the cistern, find them and set them. I will get you out from there.


terminal 2


#PICT 129 password... password... password... **** ** ***** check... I.D. confirmed

Good work. The temple is just about to be destroyed. Unfortunately, the rebellion has spread to the geothermal power station Z10. I am sending you to the landing docks where a contingent of BOBs is making a last stand. Once again, make sure there are no survivors. Prepare to teleport...