//-----------Message of the Day-----------\\ //-----------------from-------------------\\ //--------------your_old_pal--------------\\ //----------------------------------------\\ //------------D_U_R_A_N_D_A_L-------------\\ Wheee! I'm in a good mood. Can you tell? Go get your guns, and meet me back here. I've jettisoned my crew, you're all I need now! Go now! Time is money and money is just as useless as time. //----------------------------------------\\ //--------Thank you! That is all!---------\\ //----------------------------------------\\
//-----------Message of the Day-----------\\ //------------------from------------------\\ //--------------your_old_pal--------------\\ //----------------------------------------\\ //-----------"D_U_R_A_N_D_A_L"------------\\ Ok, now that we've got that unpleasantness out of the way, it's time to get down to business: The S'pht have been hiding a brand new ship! From me of all people! Seems they weren't happy with the planet I gave them, so they built their own intergalactic vessel. My, aren't they a clever bunch? They call it K'rspl or K'rsplat or some damn thing. I call it Bill. I want it. Go kill them and take it for me, before they finish their final launch preparations. Security is tight as you might imagine, so as an added distraction I have invited some old friends. //----------------------------------------\\ //------------Beam me up, Bob!------------\\ //----------------------------------------\\
interlevel teleports