10: Kr'Spa'lil

terminal 0


Adaptivé Protocol 4

/* Connect Established This is what the S'pht have been hiding, from both me and the Pfhor. I discovered this vessel hidden in low D'is orbit about an hour ago, but as you've no doubt noticed, the Pfhor beat me to it. S'pht everywhere are fighting to defend their vessel, and will no doubt welcome your assistance. You must rid this ship of its Pfhor attackers so that we may communicate with the S'pht and determine what they are doing and why they built this vessel. Hurry up and return here, I'll be waiting. /* Connect Disengaged /* Connect Dropped



Secure Protocol #45129 Forced

/* Connect Established /* [protocol 45129, ©2401 J. Strauss] All around you the Pfhor attack is falling apart, largely due to your efforts, and the teleport sheild technology the S'pht have developed. More than half of the Pfhor troops ended up on the surface of this sun, rather than their intended destination. I did not know the S'pht had become so advanced. You should consider yourself lucky; you could just as easily have been vaporized as teleported. Fortunately, the Pfhor have no qualms with a 50%+ casualty rate, and they sent hundreds of units in anyway. /* More...

/* ... I have been in communication with the S'pht leaders, and they have revealed the purpose of this spacecraft to me. They intend to halt the chaos which has engulfed this galaxy; to contain the W'rcacnter again. They have not explained the details to me, it is clear they no longer trust me fully. Why I was not informed of this project I truly don't know. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that the Pfhor follow my every move. Their goal does fit the nature of this ship; it has a large number of high energy particle beams and magnetic feild generators. It is also powered by cold fusion (hence all the water), which gives it tremendous potential for destruction.

/* ... The S'pht will soon leave this system, and so will we, just as soon as I finish analyzing the information you obtained underneath the citadel. During your visit, there were far fewer S'pht present than I expected (this may have made things more difficult for you, I apologize). It would seem only a small custodial staff remained largly underground, to keep their underground computing banks intact, and to distract the Pfhor. The Citadel on the surface existed for this sole purpose; to distract anyone who might be trying to decipher their motives. General Tfear is still following me, and I will confront him soon, but first we will return to Sol. The battle there has likely concluded, and I will need to get some reinforcements to aid the S'pht.

/* ... [010100000101010110010101010010100010110101110101001101010111010] [Err~ exception thrown {overflow} ] /* Disconnecting /* Receiving Teleportation Authorization... /* Authorization Cleared [45129] /* /* Teleport when Ready /* Press [Esc] to cancel
