13: Catechism Chasm Cataclysm

terminal 0


“If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again.” Find your way out of this cave. There’s hardly any Pfhor down here, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t treacherous. This first step in particular is a doozy; you’re gonna have to get a little lift from something... -aperturegrillz, level creator

If we advised you to jump off the ledge, do a 180° back onto it, and use the increased vertical momentum you gain from so doing to climb the steps, you wouldn’t believe us, so we definitely won’t offer that advice. Imagine, a ’90s game having weird physics. That’ll be the day. This won’t be doable with keyboard look. To my fellow keyboard-only players: I’m sorry. -Aaron, Hellpak scripter

terminal 1


So yeah, here you’ll need to hold forward, right strafe, and look in the general direction of a corner; as long as you keep them all pressed, you should be able to jump around the wall. Then you’ll have to hit the switch and get back around before the door closes... or will you? None of this will be doable with keyboard look. Again, to my fellow keyboard-only players: I’m sorry. -Aaron, Hellpak scripter

terminal 2


Does it ever feel like you’re on the edge of a cliff with some of these levels? Well, the next couple of jumps are gonna feel like that even more. Before that, you’ll need to travel up the stairway to victory and into the abyss. Hopefully you don’t burn out... -tbcr, Hellpak director If you’re still stuck, we suggest watching the following films: youtu.be/YtOm0zfLO88 The first O is a capital O, by the way; the next 0 is a zero, then the third O is a capital O again. And then also: youtu.be/JQqi6DWmMMs I apologise for the inconvenience of typing in YouTube URLs. But you didn’t expect us to make this easy, did you? -Aaron, Hellpak scripter