16: out of the frying pan, into a used car lot

terminal 0



Happily on her daily trip to the store, MUL Avoided many obstacles in her way. Veering her car into the river Eyeing the store off into the distance. "You're in luck", Odnem said "Only the finest Avocados are sold here" "Ungrateful fools would not choose these" Finally, she had them. Emerging from the bag, 12 Avocados Luckily, they were for her darling Urata Love from her darling on the way? Isn't that right? NOT APPLICABLE FOR ANSWERS You know.... Even under most circumstances Those Avocados probably won't work....

fuck off


I see you managed to divulge what MUL's Avocados were trying to tell you well done. how does it feel to have wasted 11+ minutes of your life :)