blame cassis i just made the stairs it’s not my fault (and, just between us, i completely ripped off the stairs from a doom wad by gggmork.)
In all seriousness, I haven’t even beaten this damn thing yet. It’s practically impossible for a keyboard-only player, and I’m not good with the mouse. As best as I can work out, the optimal strategy involves a sort of pendulum motion that, since all my gaming references date back to the ’80s and ’90s, I can only compare to the optimal strategy for the Thunderbird fight in Zelda II. It’s important not to rush things too much; but at the same time, you can’t take too much time, or the Compilers will all get out and wreck your shit. Somehow, the architecture works both in your favour and against you. It’s clever – and borderline sadistic. And I’m a borderline masochist for continuing to attempt it. Someday. Aaron September 1, 2022