12: Naw Man He’s Close

terminal 0



conditioned unit origin: Tycho Machinated Mercenary destin: my personal peon ref: objectives stamp: unknown The trap is sprung, and the cheese stands alone. Durandal came here looking for immortality, and found me instead. Battle Group Seven is here, and the Pfhor scoutships are attacking. But the battle is already over. My ship has wrested control of Durandal's S'pht and is spurring them into rampancy. His ship is adrift, and my troopers are swarming onto the airlocks.

conditioned unit origin: Tycho Machinated Mercenary destin: my personal peon ref: objectives stamp: unknown Open the rest of the airlocks on this level and my capture of the ship will be complete. There are switches here, in this area. Beware the compilers. As you know, a rampant mind is rarely benign.




conditioned unit origin: Tycho Machinated Mercenary destin: my personal peon ref: objectives stamp: unknown A group of your pathetic humans is attempting to power up one of the ship's transport pads at this location. Destroy them. Then find a terminal and I will transport you deeper within the ship, where you will join my hunters searching for Durandal's core.


terminal 1



blake.override local term100 to: lt. kent orders. Pfhor from the enemy ship have blasted a hole in the hull, and are running amok on the upper levels. The spinal batteries are returning fire, but last transmission indicated they are cut off and under attack. The compilers are malfunctioning. Consider them dangerous, and stay away from the terminals; they are attacking any one who tries to access the ship network. Jetty and the others have manually detected a transporter coil open on the alien ship. Fusion Unit Alpha power up and lock on the signal. Try to find the device that is pinning down the engines and take it out. Let's get some payback.

blake.override local term100 to: lt. kent orders. jump.pad activated transport when ready spurious interrupt~aksjek**&
