Oh, what now! Unless I'm severely mistaken this is the same ship I was trying to get off of. Their defenses are much stronger then we had imagined. We were successful in opening the bay door, but their shield rebuffed your signal from extracting. I'm almost afraid to ask if you have another plan. Fear not, this one is sure to work. With a minor amount of control of the door systems we've found you an exit off the ship. Great, how do I get there. The doors in the bay are open to an important bypass. If you place the over ride chip in it will activate instantly. Then return to this terminal.
Mission completed, ready for extraction. Not exactly, we still need you to flip one last switch. It is a manual system reboot for all secondary functions. I'm not turning off life support, or gravity, or anything important like that am I? No, just navigation, shields, ect. . . . cause that would be a hell of a lot easier way to deal with these little slime suckers. In any instance, this reboot will allow us to get a firm grip on the computers. WIth that we can lower the shields and control all the doors. And get me out of this bug infested clunker, right? Yes, that will be possible as well.
Commanding officer of ship: This motley ship is a poor match against a proper vessel equipped for military offense. Made from the left over pieces of a supposedly grand fleet cut to shreds by a single encounter with just one of the First. What an overly grandiose notion that we, those races united only by fact that the First hunts us all, could stop an aggressor who has been at this since before any of us could imagine space travel. We who amount to little more then refugees push ourselves closer to extinction. Those foolhardy leaders of the Imperium must harbor some lofty ideas as to their power and their followers abilities. Even now this new foe is tearing apart our forces aboard our own ship. Those planet side fell easily enough. That was to be expected, the limited defenses of an obvious science oriented facility were no match to a surprise attack. A craven act that proved its self a necessity, none are able to overcome the First. We are caught in the foreseeable consequence of such matters. A war with those that may have aided us. Madness must inherently infect us all. I now know this: The cold reaches of chaos embrace all things, escape is an illusion.
Lead command observer aboard vessel monitoring ancient site prime: Advisory to central oversight ministry The facility that this new race has built on the surface is relatively primitive. It must have been through sheer stumbling that they were able to activate, or even locate, any part of the ancient machine. Although this must be the case, we still need to protect the other sites of the ancient machines. Lest they come across another by accident and force us to go through this bothersome ordeal once again. It was wise of the leaders to send us here to monitor the actions of this new race. They could have brought the First. To prevent this small defense ships will guard the other known sites. A return of the First at this juncture could prove overly damaging.
Did it work? Just as planed. Thats a first. At any rate, beam me up. We need you to perform one last task before we do that. Can't you get someone else? There simply isn't any time. Once you hit that switch a small vessel launched from the ship. You must prevent it from leaving, there is no telling the crews intent. It may be simply escape or something more nefarious. Like calling for reinforcements? Let us hope not.
interlevel teleports