0: Pfhor Moonbase

terminal 0


Log on...error 15...system blocked...

Pfhor k'far Moonbase Log: System error.........^&%(&%$#@!^())_#$@%^&&........K'far under attack by &*(ans. Send troops to Plasma Generators........System error 12....

I teleport you out of there...there are extra troops on tere way. I will teleport you to the communication room where you can save your game and refill some energy. After that I will teleport you to the main Pfhor plasma core that you must take out. Ok, now old on...

Login off...

<teleport to polygon 98>

terminal 1


Login on to main system...

Hi again, You made it to the communication room I see. Ok, if you still need to refill your energy or safe your game press ESC if not press enter and I will teleport you to the main plasma core. You must blast the wires to destroy the disable the Plasma Core and open the exit door. Now go!

Login off...