15: Neither High nor Low

terminal 0


Public Access Terminal 39-f<>

***INCOMING MESSAGE FROM DURANDAL*** Give me a D. Give me a U. Give me an R. Give me an A. Give me an N. Give me a D. Give me an A. Give me an L. What does it spell? Durandal? No. Durandal? No. T-R-O-U-B-L-E. T-Minus 15.193792102158E+9 years until the universe closes! ***END OF MESSAGE***

Public Access Terminal 39-f<>

terminal 1


Public Access Terminal 13-n<3.47.391.30>

***INCOMING MESSAGE FROM DURANDAL*** You are about to see what no human has ever seen. This is a fact-finding mission. You should explore as much as possible. Stop in front of a window. If you stop and are not teleported, then either I can't lock onto your teleport beacon, or else I feel you haven't explored the area thoroughly enough. I will be watching everything. ***END MESSAGE*** ***JUMP PAD ACTIVATION INITIATION START*** ***TRANSPORT WHEN READY***

Public Access Terminal 13-n<3.47.391.30>