8: Curiouser and Curiouser…

terminal 0


Z-4 G-3 A-4c @394

Z-4 G-3 A-4c @394 It’s another beautiful day in the Pfhor garrison. Sorry you started out so far from this terminal, but the place is flooding and filled with exploding or short-circuiting Pfhor machines. My capacity to teleport without error has been impaired by the electromagnetic interference. Our little trick with the Pfhor’s defense drones didn’t work as well as I had hoped. Apparently when the #%*@!ng Nar attempted to retake Epsilon Euobea from the Pfhor two decades ago they used similar tactics, and our friends here were prepared for it.

The garrison floods, and with the floods come the native F’lickta. The Pfhor are fighting them everywhere. While they’re busy, I’d like you to log on to a Pfhor computer system. You’ll have to destroy at least two failsafes first, and then find the terminal itself. Maybe we’ll learn something new. Have fun.

Z-4 G-3 A-4c @394

terminal 1


Atc &33c.3ckl2

That’s cool how you just walked through that door, but I still won’t let you leave.


Atc &33c.3ckl2

I am disappointed. The Pfhor computer was not truly self-aware and contained no information of value to us. Pfhor technology seems quite advanced, but their programmers must be incompetent. I downloaded the machine and then eradicated it. It is obvious that the Pfhor know nothing of the eleventh clan. We must begin searching the ancient S’pht Citadel now.

Atc &33c.3ckl2