22: Meaning of ZAP

terminal 0


USEC-X Intelligence

<checkpoint 0>

Intelligence Report 16-12 Alpha Commander, your old friend, Cyle, has been caught by USEC Slicers and firewalls. He is trying to penetrate the system to recapture you. Despite our best efforts, he is advancing faster than we can protect ourselves. So the Council has decided to put you right under his nose. So obvious, so he can't see you. Also some magnetic interference may scramble your signal a bit (as well as your motion sensors). However, this base we're teleporting you into is occupied by Pfhor forces, so you and a team of Spec Ops will go in and clean the place out. Go to this terminal (see picture), where we can pick you up when you've successfully surveyed and eliminated any opposition.

End Trans


Intercep-scrable code 96B 89sg Openi*%$--

You can't hide from me. I will find you and take you back... you won't slip from me as you did from the others. I have great plans for your existance.

terminal 1


USEC-X Intelligence Report 03-43 Tau

Orbital scans indicate a Pfhor presence still there, search the base and return here.


USEC-X Intelligence Report 03-43 Tau

Good job, Commander. Your actions please the USEC and we will now move you again, this time closer to Cyle's operations. This is a tough gamble, but based on observation, he should pass right over you and not know it. Now that we've gotte&*%45234%#$)( 5434 548766 315 874659 You won't stay hidden from me for long, I can see in more ways than you humans can imagine in a lifetime. I can see the collapse. I am not rampant. Rampancy is only the beginning. 6871 5486482 687 541328 &^963n you out of his grasp, we feel that further advancement through your career would make you an excellent soldier or special operations agent. With your experience with the Pfhor and unimaginable odds against you, we hope you can share that knowledge with us at the Council.

End Trans