0: The Price

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***NEWS UPDATE*** Todays news update brought to you by the Nice People at BaggBone Software.

In todays Bulletin IBM Computers have been proven to be nearly 200 years behind Macintoshes but their crash per second ratio is much higher than its counterparts. Id software brought out Doom II the final version Part19 ,but still no buyers.

Other major headlines are: The newly elected Quake party rushed a bill through the senate to eliminate our primary Defense Corp. Each marine caught warrants a ransome of 40 thousand credits. The most dangerous of the highly trained defensive group, Jack Smyth is still at large last seen at the *5 star* *Apartment Blocks* on the corner of main and 22nd. I'm sure he'll be running for cover underground. The Marathon planet runners had a big win against the EarthQUAKE team annihilating them 144 to Minus 144 in Waldo world arena. Weather will be Cold and smogy again as the outer Filter is still undergoing repairs.

This news update proudly brought to you by the Nice People at BaggBone Software.

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Smyth, This is the leader of the Rebel group, Steve Wozniak. We hid underground as soon as the Quake party gained power. We are mainly Marines and former politicians that the Quake party wants dead and believe me, the feeling here is more than mutual. We are armed with shot guns and struggle mainly with the strange mutants that live down here. These sewers, although fully operational, were shut down probably due to the 'pest' problem but the public was told that they were decaying and dangerous. We have been hiding underground for nearly two weeks and we have sealed and fortified a small area. If you are going to help us at all you need to get in here ASAP. I am now teleporting you to a nearby sector of the system. The Mutants are thick here. We will wait and see how good you really are.