0: Mountain Fortress

terminal 0


Post 6745a98.d5 Galactic Core

Greetings, I am Caligula and you are on a small planet in the Omega b.12.19 sector of the galactic core. For almost two decades this planet has served as a secret base for the Galactic Confederation. It houses thousands of years of collected knowledge and technology. You are currently in the Command Outpost Chactalse located to the east of the Choltsone Mountains.This is where all of the information is organized and categorized. This post has been breeched by a large alien culture. Unless proper measures are taken this base will fall to this species along with the information. [error... CLASSIFIED INFORMATION...>rerout string 655a.23< Further access denied]

[Transmition continued: 5d] Your job is to clear this level of all alien life forms. This base must not be lost or jjjjjjjjjjj... error 5: data string lost error 5: data string lost error 5: data string lost error 5: data string lost error 5: data string lost [Information Classified] [Transmition Continued: 5e] Report to this terminal once you have completed your mission. I will have further need of you.

** Further access denied **


[Error: Line 4543326 does not agree]

Well do~ne. T>>>>he Outpost is now back under Confed^eration command. Unfortu**tely that is the best n**ews I can tell y~~~~~ou. The ******* hav-e broken into my logic banks and corr^^^upted the logic fork. I need you to manually repair the cod~~e circuItry t th* data-core. It is located on a small hydro-el«\ectically pow^^^red maintane#ce plant. Unfo^^^^^rtunately my memory banks will be erased as a consequen!e of ^^^^^^^^m^y repair. As a result I wi** have to play catch up #######or awhile. Fight hard because the fate of the Gal@ct***ic Confed~~~tion lies in the//// balan~~ce. Good luck >>>>>> @ for both our sakeS... [ERROR: 0057 Data line terminated] [ERROR: 0057 Data line terminated] [***manual reboot required***]

[ERROR: 0057 Data line terminated]