0: Onboard the Enterprise

terminal 0


)Boomer Briefing Room 101(

First off, welcome back to Boomer, glad to see that you had not grown too attached to those status chambers. Right now I need you to go and arm yourself, I will be sending you down to the Pfhor Garrison down on Lh'owon. In order to make sure that you will not slow me down, I have put this portion of my ship in a temporary vacuum. Not to worry, I have supplied you with more than enough oxygen.

Another good reason to hurry it up is due to the resistance my little corvette will be forced to face. They may not be as powerful as those in the Western Arm of Battle Group Seven, but they can pack more than enough power. I don't want anything to upset my plans as of now, so hurry up and arm yourself so I can send you down to Lh'owon before the resistance arrives. After you are properly armed, head up to the Control Room, directly above you head. From there I will briefly summarize your misson before send you into action.

)Boomer Briefing Room 101(


)Boomer Briefing Room 101(

Very good job arming yourself, but I must say your not what I thought you would be, Go to the CONTROL ROOM!! Remember, directly above your current position. Get it right before I change my mind and stuff your worthless hide back in the statis chambers. Love and Kisses, Durandal

)Boomer Briefing Room 101(

terminal 1


:\\Control Room//:

Well, I thought I said go get some weapons, but if you really wanna go down to a maximum security prisond unarmed its fine by me. Just kidding (ha ha), now go get those weapons before I lose my patience. And be quick about it. Remember my short but sweet speech, don't want me to repeat it do you? Go get those weapons! Durandal

:\\Control Room//:


:\\Control Room//:

Well done. I take back all I said about you. Now, as I promised, I will briefly summarize your mission before sending you into the heart of the Garrison. We are on the verge of taking control of the Juggernaut portion of the 723rd Aggressor Squadron, and we cannot progress without our team of specially trained civilians. They are the key to our success when it comes to Juggernauts. Unfortunetly they were captured while trying to escape their last mission, which was a failure. Now, that's enough for now, I will tell you exactly what you need to do when you arrive, although I am unsure of whether or not you will arrive at the place where I would like you to.

Unfortunetly, where you will be going is not going to be gaurded by slackers. Far from it, this place is a high security prison, part of the Last Garrison that consumes about 1/4 of Lh'owon. This could prove to be quite a challenge, hope you can take it. Good luck, Durandal

:\\Control Room//:

terminal 2


{Observation Tower #1}

I thought I told you to go and get some weapons and ammo in order to prepare yourself for your newest task, in other words saying.... QUIT MESSING AROUND AND GO ARM YOURSELF! Please do as I ask before I change my mind about you and teleport you out into space, where the vacuum will become your best friend. Best Wishes, Durandal

{Observation Tower #1}


{Obsevation Tower #1}

Let me congratulate you on finding this terminal. The observation towers have been off limits ever since our team of elite BoB's have been captured. I guess this terminal is no different than any other except for one thing, your chance of having a nice trip to the garrison has increased slightly. You see, if you would have used the one in the Conrol Room, you might have encountered a little trouble beaming down, due to the little "forcefield" that protects the garrison, but from up here, I may be able to get you in there no harm done. Oh, and if you haven't read the brief summary of your mission, go down to the Control Room and read it, then report back here. Durandal

{Obsevation Tower #1}