I've just recieved word that the High Command of Pfhor battle group six will be meeting shortly just a few leagues from here. This could be our chance to finally take out a huge chunk of their army. Without leaders to guide them, the Pfhor will fall into chaos, ultimately ending in their demise.
<checkpoint 1>
In order to get into the compound, you're going to need some form of identification. There is a Key card at this point. I am anticipating heavy resistance, and I recommend you use any ammo you can find. I'll be teleporting weapons down to you as fast as I can, but no gaurantees. Also, I want you to take out every misserable creature in this compound.
<checkpoint 0>
When you've got the key-card, and all the Aliens in the area are dead, come to the spot designated on this map. Then the fun begins... Randm-)Fail.se>>
<<TRANSFERING>> The meeting place for the Pfhor high council is built on an abandoned Spht energy plant. Using the geothermal heat produced by the volcano it's built on, this compound was a focal piont for all power distribution in the area. When the Pfhor invaded their planet, many of the remaining Sph't huddled in it's rescesses, hoping for liberation. None came. Over 4000 Sph't died in that plant. <<Transfer Accepted>> Bye Bye now!
The Pfhor are meeting in a large arena on the north end of the Energy Plant. Hopefully they aren't planning an attack on our vulnerable anti-matter colonies just too the west. If you don't reach the compound in time, they could reach a consensus to take it out. Then you'd never make it home...
When the Pfhor took over the power plant, they re-christened it "Inferno". (I wonder why?) They are meeting to discuss which of the several colonies of humans on this planet to attack. If you can reach them before they give, the orders, we might save thousands of lives. I don't really care much, but I know how important life is to you... Ha ha.. <<Transfer Accepted>>
When the Pfhor took over the power plant, they re-christened it "Inferno". (I wonder why?) They are meeting to discuss which of the several colonies of humans on this planet to attack. If you can reach them before they give, the orders, we might save thousands of lives. I don't really care much, but I know how important life is to you... Ha ha.. <<Transfer Accepted>>
<checkpoint 0>
Simply proceed to the point marked on the map, and I will take you where you need to be.
interlevel teleports