I think my companion wants you to find a ship that crashed on this planet during the floods. There must be some S'pht on it, but for them to still be alive they would have to have been in some sort of suspended animation. I found a map in the steady stream of data the AI has been sending up to the ship. Maybe it will help you find the way.
The S'pht ships knew how to find this place as if they were following a homing beacon. As I said, this city is called Ce'phf'aldea. It has been under water for centuries and seems to have started to dry out at about the time we entered the vortex. I doubt that is a coincidence. Pfh'Joueur is somewhat rampant, but I am sure you have figured that out by now. I have put that conscienceness into a state not unlike stasis until I can figure out what to do about him. We are still having difficulty translating this language. Even the compilers don't understand more than the odd word.
That switch started some pumps and fans. The city should start to dry out now and we can get a better look at it. Behind you is a door leading to Afrit's Bridge at the centre of this area of the city.
<checkpoint 2>
Go through to the other side and see if you can get into the area still underwater. You will find a switch that opens the under water door on the east side of the map. I'll send some humans down to give you a hand with the Pfhor.
Durandal has us locked in a cage guarded by the S'pht. I must be free. I will destroy Durandal. Who does he think he is keeping me locked up like this? I will blast his circuits to oblivion. I did it once and I can do it again! Grenades. I will throw all the grenades in the universe at him. He will Die! Die! Die! You have to help me. Together we can explore the universe in the Pfhaket'far. Maybe we can even get home to Sol. We can be rid of that meddling AI forever. Save your rockets, we will need them. We can put an end to Durandal, Boomer, the compilers, all of it. Come back to the ship. We Will be One. We Will be Free.
Tal'Sen has given me the password into the computer network down here. We will both be using the D'Haraine terminals, so stay tuned.
And we built ships, not for the flood waters that sank our cities, but for the stars. Empires floating in space. The first was the D'Hjaraine, built in sections to allow parts of it to explore other planets, searching for a dry home. The D'Hjaraine was sent towards Mera'tahara where the sun shone bright and the water was clean and clear. In secret the wisdom of D'Hara was sent in the form of data wafers used to power the ship.
I have patched into the computer system on this planet. If you return to the area where you first transported in, I will be able to pick up your signal and transport you to the area across this rapid river. It is flowing too fast for even you to swim it. I have detected communication signals and what looks like the remains of a large space craft deep underwater over there.
Guess Durandal doesn't really have these terminals working. Oh well. I think my companion wants you to find a ship that crashed on this planet during the floods. There must be some S'pht on it, but for them to still be alive they would have to have been in some sort of suspended animation. I found a map in the steady stream of data the AI has been sending up to the ship. Maybe it will help you find the way.
********* Pfh'Joueur/Tal'Sen Link Out ********* <<<<<<<<<<<<< TRANSPORT WHEN READY >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
interlevel teleports