At least Durandal managed to get you here. We thought he might have transported you to Boomer. He is busy blasting to bits the rest of the Pfhor fleet. The Tara D'Sola is still attempting to dock. We need you to get inside that ship. We are picking up human life signs on this side of the planet and Durandal says he hasn't sent any of them down here. They may have come here on that ship and we doubt they volunteered.
In a room below the outside area to the east are controls for the force fields around the port. Turn them off and then see if you can find a passageway or teleporter to the ship docking area. If you stand near the force field before you turn it off you will notice that even the force fields on this planet are waterlogged. You could probably use a shower by now anyway.
A deep scan of this planet has just turned up some very disturbing pictures. We were right. The Pfhor aren't the only slavers involved in this little romp through time and space. There are humans here and We believe they are being used as slave labour in the D'Hara mines. We must find them. Many of the S'pht are still loyal to Durandal, perhaps we can send some on a scouting trip. In the meantime you must get the rest of them off of that ship.
About 12 light years from here a bright light, almost like a new star, has appeared. We suspect it is another white hole time-tunnel opening. It is growing larger by the minute, but is moving away from us. We want to investigate as soon as possible, so please hurry up and get the Bobs off of that ship.