33: Pfhor Letter Word

terminal 0


[S'pht translator active] The slavers were just clever enough to avoid our patrols after you [?wrested] control of this vessel from their hands. Some form of visual interference generated by their technology confounded our admittedly half-hearted search for them, and here they are now. We will be fighting by your side to expedite this mission. Please do not fire upon us. We realize you are reliant on spatial and [?figural] recognition for identifying other entities, and we acknowledge our similarities in this regard to your A'khr foes. Nonetheless, stay your hand. The slavers are your foes here.

The Pfhor will not withstand our attack for long. We understand that your associate Mara Harrison requests your presence for the next phase of her strategy, so we will have an exit prepared for you nearby. Do not fear; we are quite capable warriors on your own, as you are likely aware. We will drive these bugs off this ship with great haste.

terminal 1


[S'pht translator active] We have this terminal primed and ready to bring you back to the planet's surface. If you would like to proceed there immediately and abort your mission here, you may. We can resolve the situation here on our own if you would prefer to move ahead. This teleporter will bring you ahead now. Press ESC to cancel the teleport and remain here. You may return here at any point when you are ready to continue in your mission.


[S'pht translator active] Your capacity for intuitive reasoning and deduction impresses us; most of your colleagues would not have had the logical skill to enable the local signal amplifiers. We understand that they were well concealed to prevent tampering; your ability to [?pierce] through this deception is remarkable. Now that the aforementioned signal amplifiers are enabled, we are capable of turning this vessel's teleporter locks against the remaining slavers. We will remove them from the ship at our convenience.

The extra time you have spent here as a result of your [?commendable] diligence has provided us with some space to replicate a few human tools you might wish to employ in the future. We will teleport you there now. Once you have collected the materials you would like, we will have an additional teleporter primed and ready to bring you back in the service of your associate. Prepare for teleport.

<teleport to polygon 0>

terminal 2


[S'pht translator active] If you have collected all of the supplies you need, we will teleport you ahead to support your friends and bretheren on the planet's surface via this terminal. If any additional insurrections occur, we believe we now have sufficient ability to deter their attempts to reclaim their craft. We thank you again for your assistance here. Once again, your great skills have truly proven to be our greatest hope of vengeance against the slaver empire. Prepare for teleport.