3: Destination H-E-L-L

terminal 0


Welcome back on the Destregha, the reactor here is still online, you need to act fast though, because we are going to enter the asteroid field in 17 hours. This area was also damaged, most of the doors are broken, and the lights are out. You'll need to find another terminal so I can give you more details about this area and the reactor itself. Move carefully, the Stak'Pha lurks everywhere in this ship.

terminal 1


control pannel for section-b door data-A38- bi-passing- data tranfer beginning data loaded

Finally, I've found something for you. This switch operates the security door for the control deck as pictured above. Once you locate it, look for the switch that will open the control panel for the larger section of the ship. Once it's done, you should be able to move about the ship faster.

terminal 2


Now, this is where i need you to learn a bit more about our complex of switch and teleporter... First thing first, the breached section is guarded by hunters, keep you plasma cannon fully charged for the fight that awaits you... You need to locate that teleporter. ( left picture ) This one will eventually lead you to the engineering rooms of the ship. Be careful, the Stak'pha have found your location on their scanner...

terminal 3


Good, you are now near the reactor. Keep moving as fast as you can, we're going to enter the asteroid field soon. Keep moving, and expect heavy resistance once you're sent to the core. By heavy resistance, I mean a couple of highly trained hunters...

terminal 4


Greetings. Good news first. The reactor is back online, and working at 87% of full power. This is more than enough to clear the asteroid belt. And... ...now the bad news. You're too late. While you were messing around with the repairs, we sustained heavy fire from Stak'Pha warships, and were deflected from our collision course with the asteroid belt. However, we are due to enter the atmosphere of the purple planet in a few minutes. I am going to stick you in stasis so you don't get damaged during our landing, as it may be a bit bumpy. Hold on tight. Seth