#PICT 6 Hello. This is Gallam, your automated help system, or GAHS. To open this door that exits to the telepoter, you must go into the cargo bay and hit the switch (it is here for security reasons), or have someone do it for you. It is located on the wall to your left when you enter. The teleporter is currently operating and goes to the open area. This teleporter is currently under watch by Orius. He will help you in operating the teleporter. you must show him your I.D. code in order to pass.
#PICT 4 Salius computernet initiated. Search Parameter Sequence established. Searching for: Cascadia Found 216 articles. Starting at number 1. Article 1: From "Salius home net" 2030 AD. Cascadians are a friendly, technologicaly advanced society with many allies, including Planets: Delus, Mars, Earth, Klios and Caeros. They are fierce in battle, and have killed over 100,000 million of our troops. Recent wars have yielded low victory counts, but if their allies are destyoed, Cascadia should fall. Cascadians are extremly alien like, having 3 red eys and usually carry thier ancient battle staff and either green, red, purple, or blue armor (according to rank, respectively). They also have battle armor infantry, that looks either brown or blue (again, according to rank respectively), and has mounted plasma cannons on thier shoulders.
Article 2: From unknown Earth periodical. Peace at last! Almost all of the North and South American continent has joined together to form the "United Federation of Peace". Other countries are soon to follow. All of this happening soon after our first visit from our peaceful allies, the Cascadians. The Cascadians are trying to get our planet into the "Milkey Way Federation", which is a group of the most highly developed planets in the Milkey Way. Other planets already in the federation are, Klios, Delus and Caeros. They have have reportedly been having trouble with a neighboring galaxy, but we have heard little about them, except that they are called the "Saliusians" and they are a fierce group of warriors. President Snyder said that "Peace is...
Salius computernet initiated. Search Parameter Sequence established. Searching for: Salius Found 2,455 articles. Starting at number 1. Article 1: From the "Text of Salius", 345 AD. We, the Saliusians, are the mother race and are the prime rulers of the universe. We deserve to rule all. Ever since our fathers founded the universe it has been known to all that we shall rule. Even soothsayers have looked into the future and saw what is to come for our race. We shall take control of other planets with Saliusinoids and turn them into our servents...
Article 2: From the "Salius Military News", 2060 AD. Our empire has recently taken over three galaxies: Quadis, Milky Way, and Nueris. This makes a total of 42. Over 5 trillion inhabitants are now under our servitude from the recent addition making a total of 989 trillion Saliusinoids. The hardest to overcome was the "Milky Way". The inhabitants were very ruthless. Their weapondry nearly matched ours, but after a 10 year battle we claimed our victory. We learned many things from the "Humans", such as "Nuclear Weapons", which were very efficient at destroying our troops. We also learned a more efficient system of time, which is now being taught in all schools. We still have a problem though. The humans are very stubborn. They have went under ground and are still holding out. We are having problems getting them out, but enough "Nukes" should end this problem. We've captued many "Humans" and have put them in concentration camps and prisons all over thier planet, for now”¿”#LOGOFF 0