14: Heads or Tails----

terminal 0


...now who put that up there??

//ID SCANNER:_IAN_// //CHANNEL CLEAR// What exactly are you doing here? I thought you were chasing that psychotic skeleton... YoU dIdn'T eVen dO tHat rIght... Whatever the hell you're doing you best get your ass out of that building. On SeCond tHouGht, sTay... It's been completely infested with BOTH metals and organics. You hear me... wEll dO yUO...? Well shit... I just realised we cut the hardline out of that place..wElL aRen't YoU Fu..rther out of the ship's range. In other words there are no jump pads available in that building.... We cut them off in hopes they wouldn't jump to our cruiser a few miles above you...WiTh mE... My Lord! Where have you been!?!... We lost contact with you about the time you entered that sewer system... AND NOW YOU SHOW YOUR FACE HERE?... oh shit does that mean he's with you?.. ThAt's My gUeSs... holy... Get your ass to the roof NOW! You'll be lucky if you make it there but, damnit, we're going to try and get you out... now get going! YeS rUn...

//Message saved// ...tAsTy...

terminal 1


//NWC MORG LOG: File-28-32-1// //LOGIN: Dr. Anthony Stover// Two weeks of the dead... That's what I'm seeing in my Freezers and tables. I take a sick leave for a cold and come back to TWO weeks of the mistreated dead. And to boot, my assistant, Oshea Rillings has resigned. So many of the corpses have suffered severe maulings. As far as I can tell there are no living creatures native to this planet that cause marks like these... I suppose that's why they were sent to me.

Deeper study shows a contaminant in the tissue around the wounds. My guess is a type of narcotic to weaken the prey... Then it promptly rips out their throat from the ribcage to the jaw. This is evident in all the mauling victims.

Another part of the enigma is the bizarre patterns the bodies show in their decomposition. In fact, they shouldn't be decomposing at all, not with the amount of fluids I'm using on them! I'm applying nearly three times as much as I usually need. On another note, I think one of the corpses said goodnight to me on the way out the door... I need to ease up on my work.

More business today... I wouldn't have made it through this fresh batch of dead flesh had it not been for my new assistant. He just popped in and offered to help. This is odd, given that he came out of one of the freezers I had just filled with a corpse I had recently finished examining. Seeing as I needed sleep and was very hungry I didn't turn down the help. More dead but who cares... NoT mE tHat's FoR suRe...

Screw work... I gave into my new friends' pleas to ease up on the work and start relaxing. So I did. me and the gang had some long discussions about the current situation with the military ship that crashed and wiped out nearly an entire city. Later the guys invited some more people to keep me company. These ones seemed very dull. Just floated around speaking like a broken radio. They didn't look healthy either...All skinny...Didn't look like they had any meat on their bones...aH mEAt...I cOuLd gO fOr sOme oF thAt abOut NoW...Maybe the guy with the caved-in skull would make a munchy run for us...Nah...he seems to busy looking for his eYe at the moment... I'd go but I left my legs over on the examination table....

...wHy'd I do ThaT...I neEd mY LeGs...?

terminal 2


//NWC MORG LOG: File-28-32-1// //LOGIN: Dr. Anthony Stover// Two weeks of the dead... That's what I'm seeing in my Freezers and tables. I take a sick leave for a cold and come back to TWO weeks of the mistreated dead. And to boot, my assistant, Oshea Rillings has resigned. So many of the corpses have suffered severe maulings. As far as I can tell there are no living creatures native to this planet that cause marks like these... I suppose that's why they were sent to me.

Deeper study shows a contaminant in the tissue around the wounds. My guess is a type of narcotic to weaken the prey... Then it promptly rips out their throat from the ribcage to the jaw. This is evident in all the mauling victims.

Another part of the enigma is the bizarre patterns the bodies show in their decomposition. In fact, they shouldn't be decomposing at all, not with the amount of fluids I'm using on them! I'm applying nearly three times as much as I usually need. On another note, I think one of the corpses said goodnight to me on the way out the door... I need to ease up on my work.

More business today... I wouldn't have made it through this fresh batch of dead flesh had it not been for my new assistant. He just popped in and offered to help. This is odd, given that he came out of one of the freezers I had just filled with a corpse I had recently finished examining. Seeing as I needed sleep and was very hungry I didn't turn down the help. More dead but who cares... NoT mE tHat's FoR suRe...

Screw work... I gave into my new friends' pleas to ease up on the work and start relaxing. So I did. me and the gang had some long discussions about the current situation with the military ship that crashed and wiped out nearly an entire city. Later the guys invited some more people to keep me company. These ones seemed very dull. Just floated around speaking like a broken radio. They didn't look healthy either...All skinny...Didn't look like they had any meat on their bones...aH mEAt...I cOuLd gO fOr sOme oF thAt abOut NoW...Maybe the guy with the caved-in skull would make a munchy run for us...Nah...he seems to busy looking for his eYe at the moment... I'd go but I left my legs over on the examination table....

...wHy'd I do ThaT...I neEd mY LeGs...?

terminal 3


BugGer oFf...I'm dEad.... ...JuSt go AwAy...

terminal 4


...aNd wHy dId I diE...?...I dId nOthing wrOng...I eVen heLped wiTh the Dishes...Wash AnD dip And rInse And flaaak adn rronu dna mA m E .... I neEd sOme food . . . My fRieadn LeFt me... HeE seeemmed HapPy iN my LuNgs.. He sAid He woUldn"t be theRe loNg...Just Long enOugh tO eat Me spleAn and grOw some EyeS... Once He diD he aTe HIs wAy oUt my Face...I likEd my fAce...It Had ears aNd a nOsE fuLl of rOllinG heAds AskinG why The sAwsquAch atE the PenNy Loafers oF my exsiStance In thE trueee Blue sUn id asddffl dfakdda eeeeewtk wwwjtaggggg asssfff khfwwwwwwr0i8fvjnsflk mdsh bjl;n fgo ioior oijf glfsdg ggrriiiiiias alsdkjf asiohgf lasmng oahv wrwf sokdvpdsacvojdf vs cv wr lfsnj ls lmn sfkd fdgm im jfdnfg c hefg jv n dfvs vsn fhgengefvn0erh lrkg lk fefmldfhndf mek . . . . . .

terminal 5


.. AnD wHo wAs I tO asK the DeAd mAn whY he Had nO opIniOn... You Know wHat he Told Me? ...He ToLdmeh-meh-me tHat tHe dEad haVe meMories....Just nio peRsonaLities to ExpresS tHem wiTh....I wAs sddkw llla lsafl;tijrljsfgl;dfg sg ijsda jsdnhf skjdsauowrr gbnotev ksuherg . . . .

terminal 6


. . . I liKe MitTens . . . They'Re wArm anD fuZzy... Gloves aRen't fUzZy. . . . . . . ColOrs... Who nEeds em aNyway? I likE my grAys and taNs...And Who careS if It's dArk...I like It DaRk...BUt NoooOoooOOoOOo O ooo O ooo . . . MisTEr Jaggy .. . . JegGy-MisTer wAnts brIght hApp-it-ty cOlors. . . I cAn't thOugh. . I loSt mY crAyons . .. ... ... . . ... .. .

terminal 7


. ... .If You arE nOthinG... How cAn yoU havE anY fAults. . ...?

terminal 8


Transport Pad lock on in: 10

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Transport Pad lock on in: 6

Transport Pad lock on in: 5

Transport Pad lock on in: 4

Transport Pad lock on in: 3

Transport Pad lock on in: 2

Transport Pad lock on in: 1

Transport Pad lock on in: CONNECTION ESTABLISHED... ...PREPARE FOR JUMP...

...JuSt loVe mE...

terminal 9


Transport Pad lock on in: 10

Transport Pad lock on in: 9

Transport Pad lock on in: 8

Transport Pad lock on in: 7

Transport Pad lock on in: 6

Transport Pad lock on in: 5

Transport Pad lock on in: 4

Transport Pad lock on in: 3

Transport Pad lock on in: 2

Transport Pad lock on in: 1

Transport Pad lock on in: CONNECTION ESTABLISHED... ...PREPARE FOR JUMP...

...JuSt loVe mE...