18: 3

terminal 0


Do YoU kNow wHy yOu weRe cHoOsen?

WhY yoU, aMong alL yOur bRotHers oN tHat deAd sHip, wEre seLEcteD tO carRy mY tOrcH?...

...beCaUse tHey wEre nOt yOur fAmily. EigHt of YoUr brOthers dIed lOng aGo oN a lOsT cHild.

YoUr fAmily wAs oF tEchnOloGy nOt uNdErStoOd bY yOur aDopteD fAmiLy. ThEy oNly pRetendeD tO liVe witH yOu in SileNt feAr tHat yOu woUld dEstrOy tHem. ...AnD tHey hAd goOd reAson...

...fOr I kNow What yOu aRe cApabLe of...I obServeD yOu As yoU trAveLed evEr doWnwarD. You Ripped thRough yOur enEmies aLl whiLe trYing to GeT to mY dormAnt foRm... ...YoU thOughT I wAs AsleEp wHen yOu plAnted thAt bOmb in thE botTom oF my cHariot...no...I wAs all aRound you wHen yOu pRessed tHe fiNal rUne...thE runE to seal mY fate.

aS yoU fled fRom tHe noW arMed wEapon I haD plAced my marK apOn yoU...I theN had to reTurn to mY priSon In tHe inFerNo... ...Now I fiNd tHe JjarrO tOok fAvOr on you aS weLl. GranTinG yoU a nEw lIfe witHin a tWisted sHell oF fLesh & meTal...You liVe beyOnd yOur deAth as A mortal...For tHis yOu excHanged thE tReaSures yOu stOle fRom my cHariOt...

THAT is Why I cHose yoU. You aRe eVer grOwing, eVer livIng, aNd yoU arE saTurated wIth The blOod of aLl tHose yoU have sLauGhtered... ...OnlY yoU arE wOrtH beIng mY reAver as I scYthe dowN thiS uNiverse. YOu wIlL bE hEre aS I reShape thIs eXsiStence. ...YoU wIll gO and deStroy thE remainiNg huMans and then I wiLl sEnd yOu to Micheal...

terminal 1


Do YoU kNow wHy yOu weRe cHoOsen?

WhY yoU, aMong alL yOur bRotHers oN tHat deAd sHip, wEre seLEcteD tO carRy mY tOrcH?...

...beCaUse tHey wEre nOt yOur fAmily. EigHt of YoUr brOthers dIed lOng aGo oN a lOsT cHild.

YoUr fAmily wAs oF tEchnOloGy nOt uNdErStoOd bY yOur aDopteD fAmiLy. ThEy oNly pRetendeD tO liVe witH yOu in SileNt feAr tHat yOu woUld dEstrOy tHem. ...AnD tHey hAd goOd reAson...

...fOr I kNow What yOu aRe cApabLe of...I obServeD yOu As yoU trAveLed evEr doWnwarD. You Ripped thRough yOur enEmies aLl whiLe trYing to GeT to mY dormAnt foRm... ...YoU thOughT I wAs AsleEp wHen yOu plAnted thAt bOmb in thE botTom oF my cHariot...no...I wAs all aRound you wHen yOu pRessed tHe fiNal rUne...thE runE to seal mY fate.

aS yoU fled fRom tHe noW arMed wEapon I haD plAced my marK apOn yoU...I theN had to reTurn to mY priSon In tHe inFerNo... ...Now I fiNd tHe JjarrO tOok fAvOr on you aS weLl. GranTinG yoU a nEw lIfe witHin a tWisted sHell oF fLesh & meTal...You liVe beyOnd yOur deAth as A mortal...For tHis yOu excHanged thE tReaSures yOu stOle fRom my cHariOt...

THAT is Why I cHose yoU. You aRe eVer grOwing, eVer livIng, aNd yoU arE saTurated wIth The blOod of aLl tHose yoU have sLauGhtered... ...OnlY yoU arE wOrtH beIng mY reAver as I scYthe dowN thiS uNiverse. YOu wIlL bE hEre aS I reShape thIs eXsiStence. ...YoU wIll gO and deStroy thE remainiNg huMans and then I wiLl sEnd yOu to Micheal...

terminal 2


Do YoU kNow wHy yOu weRe cHoOsen?

WhY yoU, aMong alL yOur bRotHers oN tHat deAd sHip, wEre seLEcteD tO carRy mY tOrcH?...

...beCaUse tHey wEre nOt yOur fAmily. EigHt of YoUr brOthers dIed lOng aGo oN a lOsT cHild.

YoUr fAmily wAs oF tEchnOloGy nOt uNdErStoOd bY yOur aDopteD fAmiLy. ThEy oNly pRetendeD tO liVe witH yOu in SileNt feAr tHat yOu woUld dEstrOy tHem. ...AnD tHey hAd goOd reAson...

...fOr I kNow What yOu aRe cApabLe of...I obServeD yOu As yoU trAveLed evEr doWnwarD. You Ripped thRough yOur enEmies aLl whiLe trYing to GeT to mY dormAnt foRm... ...YoU thOughT I wAs AsleEp wHen yOu plAnted thAt bOmb in thE botTom oF my cHariot...no...I wAs all aRound you wHen yOu pRessed tHe fiNal rUne...thE runE to seal mY fate.

aS yoU fled fRom tHe noW arMed wEapon I haD plAced my marK apOn yoU...I theN had to reTurn to mY priSon In tHe inFerNo... ...Now I fiNd tHe JjarrO tOok fAvOr on you aS weLl. GranTinG yoU a nEw lIfe witHin a tWisted sHell oF fLesh & meTal...You liVe beyOnd yOur deAth as A mortal...For tHis yOu excHanged thE tReaSures yOu stOle fRom my cHariOt...

THAT is Why I cHose yoU. You aRe eVer grOwing, eVer livIng, aNd yoU arE saTurated wIth The blOod of aLl tHose yoU have sLauGhtered... ...OnlY yoU arE wOrtH beIng mY reAver as I scYthe dowN thiS uNiverse. YOu wIlL bE hEre aS I reShape thIs eXsiStence. ...YoU wIll gO and deStroy thE remainiNg huMans and then I wiLl sEnd yOu to Micheal...

terminal 3


Do YoU kNow wHy yOu weRe cHoOsen?

WhY yoU, aMong alL yOur bRotHers oN tHat deAd sHip, wEre seLEcteD tO carRy mY tOrcH?...

...beCaUse tHey wEre nOt yOur fAmily. EigHt of YoUr brOthers dIed lOng aGo oN a lOsT cHild.

YoUr fAmily wAs oF tEchnOloGy nOt uNdErStoOd bY yOur aDopteD fAmiLy. ThEy oNly pRetendeD tO liVe witH yOu in SileNt feAr tHat yOu woUld dEstrOy tHem. ...AnD tHey hAd goOd reAson...

...fOr I kNow What yOu aRe cApabLe of...I obServeD yOu As yoU trAveLed evEr doWnwarD. You Ripped thRough yOur enEmies aLl whiLe trYing to GeT to mY dormAnt foRm... ...YoU thOughT I wAs AsleEp wHen yOu plAnted thAt bOmb in thE botTom oF my cHariot...no...I wAs all aRound you wHen yOu pRessed tHe fiNal rUne...thE runE to seal mY fate.

aS yoU fled fRom tHe noW arMed wEapon I haD plAced my marK apOn yoU...I theN had to reTurn to mY priSon In tHe inFerNo... ...Now I fiNd tHe JjarrO tOok fAvOr on you aS weLl. GranTinG yoU a nEw lIfe witHin a tWisted sHell oF fLesh & meTal...You liVe beyOnd yOur deAth as A mortal...For tHis yOu excHanged thE tReaSures yOu stOle fRom my cHariOt...

THAT is Why I cHose yoU. You aRe eVer grOwing, eVer livIng, aNd yoU arE saTurated wIth The blOod of aLl tHose yoU have sLauGhtered... ...OnlY yoU arE wOrtH beIng mY reAver as I scYthe dowN thiS uNiverse. YOu wIlL bE hEre aS I reShape thIs eXsiStence. ...YoU wIll gO and deStroy thE remainiNg huMans and then I wiLl sEnd yOu to Micheal...